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Log files

Modify the configuration of ESET Server Security for Linux logging.

Minimum logging verbosity

Logging verbosity defines the level of details the log files include regarding ESET Server Security for Linux.

Critical warnings - Includes only critical errors (for example, failed to start antivirus protection).

Errors - Errors such as "Error downloading file" will be recorded in addition to critical warnings.

Warnings - Critical errors and warning messages will be recorded in addition to errors.

Informative records - Record informative messages, including successful update messages, plus all records above.

Diagnostic records - Include information needed to fine-tune the program and all records above.

Automatically delete records older than (days)

To hide log entries older than the specified number of days from the Events, Detections, or Sent Files screen or log list (lslog):

1.Turn on Automatically delete records older than (days).

2.Adjust the day to specify the age of files to be hidden.

3.Click Save.

Hidden logs cannot be displayed again. Log entries of On-demand scan are deleted right away. To prevent piling up of hidden logs, turn on the automatic optimization of log files.

Optimize log files automatically

When engaged, log files will automatically be defragmented if the fragmentation percentage is higher than value specified in the If the number of unused records exceeds (%) field. Unused records stand for hidden logs. All empty log entries are removed to improve performance and log processing speed. This improvement can be observed especially if the logs contain a large number of entries.

Syslog Facility

Syslog facility is a syslog logging parameter which is used to group similar log messages. For example, logs from daemons (which collect logs via syslog facility daemon) can go to /var/log/daemon.log if configured so. With recent switch to systemd and its journal, syslog facility is less important but still can be used for filtering logs.