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Command line parameters

ESET SysInspector supports generating reports from the command line using these parameters:



display useful information



Generate sysinspector log. If path is not defined, the current directory will be used on silent modes.



generate log with sensitive information omitted



save outcome log in compressed zip archive



suppress GUI window



suppress GUI window and command line output


Sysinspector.exe [log_path] [/generate=log.esil] [/privacy] [/zip]

To load specific log, use: SysInspector.exe log.esil

To generate and save log to file without GUI in a compressed file, use: SysInspector.exe --generate C:\path\ --zip --silent

To generate log excluding sensitive information with GUI, use: SysInspector.exe -g -p


If the name of the file/folder contains a gap, then should be taken into inverted commas.