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ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint can automatically send notification emails if an event with the selected verbosity level occurs.

Forward to email

Enable Forward notifications to email to activate email notifications.

Forwarded notifications

Select which desktop notifications are forwarded to email.

Email settings

Minimum verbosity for notifications - Specifies the minimum verbosity level of notifications to be sent.

Diagnostic—Logs information needed to fine-tune the program and all records above.

Informative—Records informative messages such as non-standard network events, including successful update messages, plus all records above.

Warnings—Records critical errors and warning messages (Anti-Stealth is not running properly or update failed).

Errors—Errors such as "Error downloading file" and critical errors will be recorded.

Critical—Logs only critical errors.

Send each notification in a separate email

When enabled, the recipient will receive a new email for each individual notification. This may result in a large number of emails being received in a short period of time.

Interval after which new notification emails will be sent (min)

After the interval in minutes, a new notification will be sent via email. Set this value to 0 if you want to send those notifications immediately.

Sender address

Type the sender's address that will appear in the header of notification emails. This is what the recipient will see in the From field.

Recipient address

Specify the recipient's email address that will be displayed in the header of notification emails. Use a semi-colon ";" to separate multiple email addresses.

SMTP server

The name of the SMTP server used for sending alerts and notifications. This is typically the name of your Microsoft Exchange Server.


SMTP servers with TLS encryption are supported by ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint.

Username and password

If the SMTP server requires authentication, these fields should be filled in with a valid username and password to access the SMTP server.

Enable TLS

Enable alert and notification messages supported by TLS encryption.

Test SMTP connection

A test email will be sent to the recipient's email address.

Message format

Communications between the program and a remote user or system administrator are done via emails or LAN messages (using the Windows messenger service). The default alert messages and notification format will be optimal for most situations. In some circumstances, you may need to change the message format of event messages.

Format of event messages

Specify format of the email event notification messages.

Format of threat warning messages

Threat alert and notification messages have a pre-defined default format. We advise against changing this format. However, in some circumstances (for example, if you have an automated email processing system), you may need to change the message format.

Keywords (strings separated by % signs) are replaced in the message by the actual information as specified. The following keywords are available:

%TimeStamp%—Date and time of the event.

%Scanner%—Module concerned.

%ComputerName%—Name of the computer where the alert occurred.

%ProgramName%—Program that generated the alert.

%DetectionObject%—Name of infected file, message, etc.

%DetectionName%—Identification of the infection.

%ErrorDescription%—Description of a non-virus event.

The keywords %DetectionObject% and %DetectionName% are only used in threat warning messages, and %ErrorDescription% is only used in event messages.


You can choose encoding from the drop-down menu. Email message will be converted according to the selected character encoding. Converts an email message to the ANSI character encoding based on Windows Regional settings (for example, windows-1250, Unicode (UTF-8), ACSII 7-bit, or Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)). As the result, "á" will be changed to "a" and an unknown symbol to "?".

Use Quoted-printable encoding

The email message source will be encoded to Quoted-printable (QP) format which uses ASCII characters and can correctly transmit special national characters by email in 8-bit format (áéíóú).