ESET Shell

eShell (short for ESET Shell) is a command line interface for ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint. It is an alternative to the graphical user interface (GUI). eShell includes all the features and options that the GUI normally gives you. eShell lets you configure and administer the whole program without the use of the GUI.

Apart from all the functions and features that are available in the GUI, it also provides you with the option of using automation by running scripts in order to configure, modify configuration or perform an action. Also, eShell can be useful for those who prefer to use the command line over the GUI.


For full functionality we recommend you to open the eShell using Run as administrator. The same applies when executing a single command via Windows Command Prompt (cmd). Open the prompt using Run as administrator. Failing to run the command prompt as Administrator will stop you from running commands due to lack of permissions.

There are two modes in which eShell can be run:

1.Interactive mode - This is useful when you want to work with eShell (not just execute a single command) for tasks such as changing configuration, viewing logs, etc. You can use interactive mode if you are not familiar with all the commands yet. Interactive mode will make it easier for you when navigating through eShell. It also shows you available commands you can use within a particular context.

2.Single command / Batch mode - You can use this mode if you only need to execute a command without entering the interactive mode of eShell. This can be done from the Windows Command Prompt by typing in eshell with the appropriate parameters.


eshell get status or eshell computer set real-time status disabled 1h

In order to run certain commands (such as the second example above) in batch/script mode, there are a couple of settings that you need to configure first. Otherwise, you'll get an Access Denied message. This is for security reasons.


Settings changes are required to allow the use of eShell commands from a Windows Command Prompt. For further information about running batch files click here.

There are two ways to enter interactive mode in eShell:

1.Via Windows Start menu: Start > All Programs > ESET > ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint > ESET Shell

2.From Windows Command Prompt by typing in eshell and pressing the Enter key


If you get an error 'eshell' is not recognized as an internal or external command, this is due to new Environment Variables not being loaded by your system after the installation of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint. You can open new Command Prompt and try starting eShell again. If you are still getting an error or have Core installation of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint, start eShell using absolute path, for example "%PROGRAMFILES%\ESET\ESET Security\eShell.exe" (you must use "" in order for the command to work).


When you run eShell in interactive mode for the first time, a first run (guide) screen will display.


If you want to display the first run screen in future, type in guide command. It shows you some basic examples how to use eShell with Syntax, Prefix, Command path, Abbreviated forms, Aliases, etc.

Next time you run eShell, you'll see this screen:



Commands are not case sensitive. You can use upper case (capital) or lower case letters and the command will execute regardless.

Customizing eShell

You can customize eShell in ui eshell context. You can configure aliases, colors, language, execution policy for scripts, settings for hidden commands and more.