Log files
This section lets you modify configuration of ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint logging.
Produces a significant amount of data because all the logging options are enabled by default. We recommend that you selectively disable logging of the components which are not useful or related to the problem.
Use the switches to enable or disable specific feature. This options also be combined depending on the availability of individual components in the ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint.
•SharePoint related diagnostic logging - Writes detailed information into logs, especially when troubleshooting is necessary. •Cluster diagnostic logging - Cluster logging will be included in general diagnostic logging. •OneDrive diagnostic logging - OneDrive logging will be included in general diagnostic logging. |
Define how the logs will be managed. This is important mostly to prevent the disk being used up. Default settings allow for automatic deletion of older logs to save disk space. Delete records automatically Log entries older than the specified number of days (below) will get deleted. Delete records older than (days) Specify the number of days. Automatically delete old records if log size exceeded When log size exceeds Max log size [MB], old log records will be deleted until Reduced log size [MB] is reached. Back up automatically deleted records Automatically deleted log records and files will be backed up to the specified directory and optionally compressed as ZIP files. Back up diagnostic logs Will back up automatically deleted diagnostic logs. If not enabled, diagnostic log records are not backed up. Backup folder Folder where log backups will be stored. You can enable compressed log backups using ZIP. Optimize log files automatically When engaged, log files will automatically be defragmented if the fragmentation percentage is higher than value specified in the If the number of unused records exceeds (%) field. Click Optimize to begin defragmenting the log files. All empty log entries are removed to improve performance and log processing speed. This improvement can be observed especially if the logs contain a large number of entries. Enable text protocol To enable the storage of logs in another file format separate from Log files: •Target directory - The directory where log files will be stored (only applies to Text/CSV). Each log section has its own file with a pre-defined filename (for example, virlog.txt for Detected threats section of Log files, if you use plain text file format to store logs). •Type - If you select the Text file format, logs will be stored in a text file; data will be separated by tabs. The same applies to comma-separated CSV file format. If you choose Event, logs will be stored in the Windows Event log (can be viewed using Event Viewer in Control panel) as opposed to file. •Delete all log files - Erases all stored logs currently selected in the Type drop-down menu.
Audit Log Tracks changes in configuration or protection. Since the modification of the product configuration may dramatically affect how the product operates, you might want to track the changes for auditing purposes. You will see log records of changes in Log files > Audit log section. |