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Import users from file

ESET Secure Authentication Cloud allows to import users to custom realms from a CSV or LDF file. The file has to contain the name of the user at least.

To import users to a custom realm, follow the steps below:

1.Select a custom realm.

2.Click the gear icon icon_settings_inline, select Import Users and then select file type.

3.Browse for the file, click Open.

4.In the import dialog, adjust settings if necessary based on the format of your file.

5.Click Import.


CSV file with a header row - click Available columns to display the column names of the header row


CSV file without a header row - the import wizard uses numbers to refer to CSV columns from right to left

To import users from an Active Directory environment to ESET Secure Authentication Cloud, export the appropriate CSV or LDF file using the command line on your Domain Controller (main computer).


Export Active Directory users to a file

Export to CSV file:

csvde -f output.csv -r "(objectclass=user)" -l "dn,c,l,st,postalCode,mobile,telephoneNumber,displayName,co"


Export to LDF file:

ldifde -f export.ldf -s -r "(objectclass=user)" -l "cn, memberOf, distinguishedName, mobile, pager, facsimileTelephoneNumber"