Mail transport protection

SMTP server-level filtering is secured by a specialized plugin which provides protection in the form of antivirus, antispam and user-defined rules.


Mail transport protection is applied to Inbound messages. Whereas Outbound messages are scanned on the Database level.

When a message arrives through the SMTP, the following actions are taken in the scanning sequence:

1.The message is scanned using the Greylisting technique (if enabled). For more information, see the chapter antispam protection.

2.The message is then scanned by the user-defined rules. See the chapter rules for more information on how they work.

3.The message is scanned by the antispam module.

4.The message is scanned by the antivirus module.

If the message is infected or recognized as a spam, the appropriate action is taken. If the message is clean, it will be delivered to the recipient.


In case an infected attachment is found, one of the following will happen:

Attachment will be cleaned.

Attachment will be removed.

Note will be moved to ESET Quarantine.

Note will be deleted.

Action that will be taken depends on Mail transport protection setting: Actions to take if cleaning not possible.