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Introduction to ESET MSP Administrator 2 API

Welcome to the ESET MSP Administrator 2 API user guide. This document explains how to use and manage ESET MSP Administrator 2 API. It also demonstrates the real-life usage of the API.

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Text boxes used in this guide:


Notes can provide valuable information, such as specific features or a link to some related topic.


This requires your attention and it should not be skipped. Usually, it provides non-critical but significant information.


Critical information you should treat with increased caution. Warnings are placed specifically to deter you from committing potentially harmful mistakes. Please read and understand text placed in warning brackets, as it references highly sensitive system settings or something risky.


Example case which describes a user case relevant for the topic where it is included. Examples are used to explain more complicated topics.

Text conventions used in this guide:



Bold type

Names of interface items such as boxes and option buttons.

Italic type

Placeholders for information you provide. For example, file name or path means you type the actual path or a name of file.

Courier New

Code samples or commands.


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The Windows system directory which stores installed programs of Windows and others.