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Credit Score

Your credit score is calculated based on the information in your credit report. Each time you apply for a loan, a mortgage loan or a car loan, the company will look at your credit score. To see what affects your credit score, click Find out more about Score Factors under your credit score status.

Credit Report

Latest Credit Report

In Credit Summary section, the date of last and next available update is displayed. If you want to print the credit summary with all information, click Print Report.

All Credit Reports—List of all your monthly credit reports.

Credit Simulator

The credit score simulator estimates how your credit score might change based on potential credit card/account actions below. Using the simulator does not affect your actual credit score, so you can experiment with different actions to see impact.

Freeze My Credit

A credit or security freeze prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. To place a freeze on your credit reports, contact each of the three major credit bureaus:





For credit freeze, you will need to provide your personal information, for example, name, address. Then you will receive a PIN or password, and need to keep it stored in a safe place for further actions.