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BreachIQ provides hyper-personalized intelligence to understand how a data breach could impact your identity. Extending beyond basic breach alerts, you will see how their unique breach history influences your vulnerability around security incidents. An advanced algorithm evaluates over 1,300 factors associated with the data breach to create its unique risk score. It then detects when a data breach has compromised your personal data, determines what specific information has been impacted, and curates a custom risk score with personalized mitigation strategies.

ID Safety Score

ID Safety score is affected by data breaches, fraudulent credit accounts, targeted scams, fraudulent financial account access, fraudulent card transactions, and tax refund identity theft. The score of your identity protection is displayed on a scale of 0-100:

Score 0-49: Least protected

Score 50-89: Slightly protected

Score 90-100: Most protected


My Breach Exposures

Detected Exposures

List of all detected data breaches sorted by organization, breach date, affected data types, and breach risk rating.

Breach risk rating provides an estimated risk rating for the selected data breach on a  1-10 diagnostic scale:

Low risk 1-3—Includes data breaches that pose the minor risk of identity theft.

Moderate risk 4-6—Expose data like payment card numbers that can be used in low to moderate-impact fraud schemes.

High risk 7-10—Data breaches that expose highly sensitive information expose victims to a high risk that criminals will use that information to open accounts in their name, fraudulently access their existing accounts, or commit other high-impact identity fraud schemes.

Saved Searches

List of data breaches you have saved from the Search Breaches section.

Action Plan

List of actions that help you improve your ID Safety score.

Search Breaches

Type the name of the breached organization (for example, Facebook, Marriott), and click Search.