Tasks allow you to re-scan the database for a defined period with newly added or adjusted detection rules. This means that whenever you adjust your security policy to define what is suspicious, you can easily trigger the re-scanning of your database to get a backward detection. This further improves the threat-hunting capabilities, as you are not searching only for a specific IOC; you are searching for a complex definition of malicious behavior, fully using ESET's unique methodology.
You can choose all tasks by selecting the check box on the left side of the Name, or select tasks individually.
Rerun tasks
•Details—Redirects you to the relevant section.
•Detections—Redirects you to the Detections tab.
•Start—Starts selected task.
•Pause—Pauses selected task.
•Duplicate query—Duplicates selected task.
•Delete—Deletes selected task.
•Rename—Enables renaming the search result.
•Access group—Displays the currently assigned access group. Click Move to reassign access group.
•Tags—Tags the task. After choosing this option, a new window opens. In the Select field, type a new tag or select an existing one.
•Filter—Show quick filters on the column where you activated the context menu (Show only this, Hide this).
When you click the name of the task, the Task Details displays: •Name—The task name. •Author—The username that was logged in at the time of the task creation. •Created—The time the task was created. •Status—Four statuses are shown (Completed, Running, Paused or Pending). For performance, ten tasks can be running, and all other additional tasks have a pending status. •Groups/Computers—A list of selected Groups/Computers. •Time frame—The time range of detections the task executes. •Detections—The number of Detections triggered by the task. •Detection limit - The limit of Detections this task can trigger. •Rules—The list of rules used in this task. Click the rule name to be redirected to Rule details. •Note—The task's note text. •Comment—The task's comment text. |
This tab provides the same options as the main Detections tab. Click Add to main table button to add selected detections to the main detection table in the Detections tab. Click a Detection to be redirected to its Detection details. |
Create a New task and follow the Create rerun task wizard.