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Actions tag allows you to specify a set of actions that are executed when the rule is triggered. Action names are:

BlockModule—blocks DLL that is being loaded in the LoadDll event

BlockParentProcessExecutable—blocks a parent process hash (only if not trusted or LiveGrid® info is missing)

BlockProcessExecutable—blocks a process hash (ban hash via the rule, only if not trusted or LiveGrid® info is missing)

BlockProcessSuspiciousModules—blocks a module marked as suspicious by MarkModuleSuspicious action

CleanAndBlockModule—blocks dropped module in the ModuleDrop event

CleanAndBlockParentProcessExecutable—cleans and blocks a parent process hash (only if not trusted or LiveGrid® info is missing)

CleanAndBlockProcessExecutable—cleans and blocks a process hash (only if not trusted or LiveGrid® info is missing)

CleanAndBlockProcessSuspiciousModules—cleans and blocks a module marked as suspicious by MarkModuleSuspicious action

DropEvent—drops an event that triggered the rule

HideCommandLine—do not save the command line of the proccess that triggered the rule

IsolateFromNetwork—isolates the computer from the network

KillParentProcess—kills parent of the running process that triggered the detection (only if not trusted or LiveGrid® info is missing)

KillProcess—kills running process that triggered the detection (only if not trusted or LiveGrid® info is missing)

LogOutUser—logs out the user from the operating system

MarkAsCompromised—the process that triggered the rule will be marked as compromised. This status is visible in the process details view in ESET Inspect Web Console.

MarkAsResolved—marks the currently evaluated detection as resolved

MarkAsScript—marks an executable as a script

MarkModuleSuspicious—marks a module as suspicious

Reboot—reboots computer that triggered the detection

ReportIncident—creates incident when the detection is triggered. You can aggregate detections into one incident using aggregateOn parameter. To specify time aggregation you can use aggregationParameter

 Possible aggregateOn parameter values are:




Shutdown—shutdowns computer that triggered the detection

StoreEvent—stores events that triggered the detection from this rule regardless of other settings. You can use it if the events are not stored by default

SubmitModuleToLiveGuard—submits module to ESET LiveGuard

SubmitParentToLiveGuard—submits parent of the executable that triggered the detection to ESET LiveGuard

SubmitToLiveGuard—submits executable that triggered the detection to ESET LiveGuard

TriggerDetection—if you do not specify actions in the actions tag field, this action is executed by default and the detection triggers in ESET Inspect On-Prem. If other actions are specified, and you still want to trigger detection, you must add this action


Some of the actions are disabled for Linux:





