OneDrive scan
You can configure action and quarantine. Action to take if file is infected: •No action—No changes in file will apply. •Delete—Move to quarantine and deletes files from OneDrive. However, files are still available in the OneDrive recycle bin. When enabled, files that are marked for deletion will be put into quarantine. Deselect this setting to disable quarantine so that files do not accumulate in quarantine. |
This part contains information about OneDrive scan registration (Application ID, Object ID on Azure portal, Certificate thumbprint). You can configure time outs and concurrent download limit. |
To create a new profile, select Edit next to List of profiles, enter your own Profile name and then click Add. New profile will be displayed in the Selected profile drop-down menu that lists existing scan profiles. The Scan target drop-down menu enables you to select pre-defined scan target: •By profile—Selects targets set in the selected scan profile. •All users—Selects all users. •No selection—Clears your current selection. Click the Click Scan to execute the scan using the custom parameters that you have set. After all scans are finished, check Log files > OneDrive scan. Modify scan parameters for the OneDrive scanner. OneDrive scan & Machine learning protection Reporting is performed by detection engine and the machine learning component. |