Scheduled Task - Update

If you want to update the program from two update servers, then it is necessary to create two different update profiles. If the first one fails to download update files, then the program automatically switches to the alternative one. This is suitable, for example, for notebooks that normally update from a local LAN update server, but their owners often connect to the internet using other networks. Therefore, if the first profile fails, the second one will automatically download update files from the ESET update servers.


The steps below will walk you through a task to edit existing Regular automatic update.

1.In the main Scheduler screen, select task Update with name Regular automatic update and click Edit the configuration wizard will be open.

2.Set the scheduler task to run, select one of the following timing options to define when you want the scheduled task to run.

3.If you want to prevent the task from being executed when the system is running on battery power (for example UPS), click the switch next to Skip task when running on battery power.

4.Select update profile to use for update. Select an action to perform if the scheduled task execution fails for any reason.

5.Click Finish to apply the task.