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Restart required

A computer restart is required after upgrading the ESET Endpoint Security to a new version or applying patches to applications via Vulnerability & Patch management. New versions of ESET Endpoint Security are issued to implement improvements or fix issues that automatic updates of program modules cannot resolve.

Click Restart now to restart your computer. If you plan to restart your computer later, click Remind me later. Later, you can restart your computer manually from the Protection status screen in the main program window.


To disable the "Restart required" or "Restart recommended" alert, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Advanced setup (F5) > Notifications > Interactive alerts.
  2. Click Edit next to Interactive alerts. In the Computer section, deselect the check boxes next to Restart computer (required) and Restart computer (recommended).


  1. Click OK to save your changes in both open windows.
  2. The alerts will no longer appear on the endpoint machine.
  3. (optional) To disable the application status in the main program window of ESET Endpoint Security, from the Application statuses window deselect the check boxes next to Device restart required and Device restart recommended.