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Performance exclusions

Performance exclusions enable you to exclude files and folders from scanning.

To ensure that all objects are scanned for threats, we recommend creating performance exclusions only when it is absolutely necessary. However, there are situations when you may need to exclude an object, for example, large database entries that would slow your computer during a scan or software that conflicts with the scan.

You can add files and folders to be excluded from scanning into the list of exclusions via Advanced setup (F5) > Detection engine > Exclusions > Performance exclusions > Edit.

To exclude an object (path: file or folder) from scanning, click Add and type the applicable path or select it in the tree structure.



A threat within a file will not be detected by the Real-time file system protection module or Computer scan module if a file meets the criteria for exclusion from scanning.

Control elements

  • Add—Add a new entry to exclude objects from scanning.
  • Edit—Enables you to edit selected entries.
  • Delete—Removes selected entries (CTRL + click to select multiple entries).
  • Import/Export—Importing and exporting of performance exclusions is useful if you need to backup your current exclusions for use at a later time. The export settings option is also convenient for users in unmanaged environments who want to use their preferred configuration on multiple systems, they can easily import a .txt file to transfer these settings.
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