Firewall rules list
The Firewal rules list can be found in Advanced setup (F5) > Network protection > Firewall > Basic by clicking Edit next to Rules.
Name—Name of rule.
Enabled—Shows if rule is enabled or disabled; the corresponding check box must be selected to activate a rule.
Protocol—The internet protocol this rule is valid for.
Profile—Shows the firewall profile this rule is valid for.
Action—Shows the status of communication (block/allow/ask).
Direction—Direction of communication (incoming/outgoing/both).
Local—Remote IPv4 or IPv6 address / range / subnet and port of local computer.
Remote—Remote IPv4 or IPv6 address / range / subnet and port of remote computer.
Applications—The application to which the rule applies.
Control elements
Add—Creates a new rule.
Edit— Edit an existing rule.
Delete—Remove an existing rule.
Copy—Create a copy of a selected rule.
Show built in (predefined) rules—Rules pre-defined by ESET Endpoint Security which allow or deny specific communications. You can disable these rules, but you cannot delete a pre-defined rule.
Top/Up/Down/Bottom—Adjust the priority level of rules (rules are executed from top to bottom).
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