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Malware scans

The Malware scans section is accessible in the Advanced setup menu. Press the F5 key, click Detection engine > Malware scans and provides options to select scanning parameters. This section includes the following options:

  • Selected profile—A specific set of parameters used by the on-demand scanner.
    To create a new profile, click Edit next to List of profiles. See Scan profiles for more details.
  • On-demand & Machine learning protection—see Detection engine.
  • Scan targets—If you only want to scan a specific target, you can click Edit next to Scan targets and select an option from the drop-down menu or select specific targets from the folder (tree) structure. See Scan targets for more details.
  • ThreatSense parameters—Advanced setup options, such as file extensions you want to control, detection methods used, etc. can be found in this section. Click to open a tab with advanced scanner options.