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Log filtering

Click MODULE_INACTIVE Filtering in Tools > Log files to define filtering criteria.

The log filtering feature will help you find the information you are looking for, especially when there are many records. You can narrow down log records, for example, if you are looking for a specific type of event, status or time period. You can filter log records by specifying certain search options, only records that are relevant (according to those search options) will be displayed in the Log files window.

Type the keyword you are searching for into the Find text field. Use the Search in columns drop-down menu to refine your search. Choose one or more record from the Record log types drop-down menu. Define the Time period from which you want the results to be displayed. You can also use further search options, such as Match whole words only or Case sensitive.

Find text

Type a string (word, or part of a word). Only records that contain this string will be shown. Other records will be omitted.

Search in columns

Select what columns will be taken into account when searching. You can check one or more columns to be used for searching.

Record types

Choose one or more log record types from the drop-down menu:

  • Diagnostic—Logs information needed to fine-tune the program and all records above.
  • Informative—Records informative messages, including successful update messages, plus all records above.
  • Warnings—Records critical errors and warning messages.
  • Errors—Errors such as "Error downloading file" and critical errors will be recorded.
  • Critical—Logs only critical errors (error starting antivirus protection).

Time period

Define the time period from which you want the results to be displayed:

  • Not specified (default)—Does not search within time period, searches the whole log.
  • Last day
  • Last week
  • Last month
  • Time period—You can specify the exact time period (From: and To:) to filter only the records of the specified time period.

Match whole words only

Use the check box if you want to search whole words for more precise results.

Case sensitive

Enable this option if it is important for you to use capital or lower case letters while filtering.

After you configured your filtering/search options, click OK to show filtered log records or Find to start searching. The log files are searched from top to bottom, starting from your current position (the record that is highlighted). The search stops when it finds the first corresponding record. Press F3 to search for the next record or right-click and select Find to refine your search options.