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Solving problems with protocol filtering

If you experience problems with your browser or email client, the first step is to determine if protocol filtering is responsible. To do that, try temporarily disabling application protocol filtering in the advanced setup (remember to turn it back on after you're finished, otherwise your browser and email client will remain unprotected). If your problem disappears after turning it off, here is a list of common problems and a way to solve them:

Update or secure communication problems

If your application complains about the inability to update or that a communication channel is not secure:

  • If you have SSL protocol filtering enabled, try temporarily turning it off. If that helps, you can keep using SSL filtering and make the update work by excluding the problematic communication:
    Switch SSL protocol filtering mode to interactive. Rerun the update. There should be a dialog informing you about encrypted network traffic. Make sure the application matches the one you're troubleshooting and the certificate looks like coming from the server it is updating from. Then choose to remember action for this certificate and click ignore. If no more relevant dialogs are show, you can switch the filtering mode back to automatic and the problem should be solved.
  • If the application in question is not a browser or email client, you can completely exclude it from protocol filtering (doing this for browser or email client would leave you exposed). Any application that had its communication filtered in the past should already be in the list provided to you when adding exception, so manually adding one should not be necessary.

Problem accessing a device on your network

If you are unable to use any functionality of a device on your network (this could mean opening a web page of your webcam or playing video on a home media player), try adding its IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to the list of excluded addresses.

Problems with a specific website

You can exclude specific websites from protocol filtering using URL address management. For example if you cannot access, try adding ** to the list of excluded addresses.

Error "Some of the applications capable of importing the root certificate are still running“

When you enable SSL protocol filtering, ESET Endpoint Antivirus makes sure that installed applications trust the way it filters SSL protocol by importing a certificate to their certificate store. For some applications this is not possible while they are running. This includes Firefox and Opera. Make sure none of them are running (the best way to do this is to open Task Manager and make sure there is no firefox.exe or opera.exe under Processes tab), then hit retry.

Error about untrusted issuer or invalid signature

This most likely means that the import described above failed. First make sure that none of the mentioned applications are running. Then disable SSL protocol filtering and enable it back on. This reruns the import.