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File extensions excluded from scanning

An extension is the part of a file name delimited by a period. An extension defines the type and content of a file. This section of the ThreatSense parameter setup lets you define the types of files to scan.


Not to be confused with other types of Exclusions.

By default, all files are scanned. Any extension can be added to the list of files excluded from scanning.

Excluding files is sometimes necessary if scanning certain file types prevents the program that is using certain extensions from running properly. For example, it may be advisable to exclude the .edb, .eml and .tmp extensions when using Microsoft Exchange servers.


To add a new extension to the list, click Add. Type the extension into the blank field (for example tmp) and click OK. When you select Enter multiple values, you can add multiple file extensions delimited by lines, commas or semicolons (for example, choose Semicolon from drop-down menu as a separator, and type edb;eml;tmp).

You can use a special symbol ? (question mark). The question mark represents any symbol (for example ?db).


To see the exact extension (if any) of a file in a Windows operating system you have to uncheck the Hide extensions for known file types option at Control Panel > Folder Options > View (tab) and apply this change.