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Linux Proxy configuration


This configuration is for Apache HTTP Proxy only. If you use ESET Bridge, configure it through ESET PROTECT Web Console.

Check your proxy configuration file if it contains following lines, if not, add them.

1.Enable caching, Agent connection and HTTPS connection, set the log file.

CacheEnable disk http://

CacheDirLevels 4

CacheDirLength 2

CacheDefaultExpire 3600

CacheMaxFileSize 500000000

CacheMaxExpire 604800

CacheQuickHandler Off

CacheRoot /var/cache/httpd/proxy


AllowCONNECT 443 2222 53535


ProxyRequests On

ProxyVia On


CacheLock on

CacheLockMaxAge 10

ProxyTimeOut 900

SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled 1


ErrorLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs -n 10 /var/log/httpd/error_log 1M"

Parameters CacheRoot and ErrorLog may be adjusted for your system, if necessary.

2.Add following segment of code after the last line of code listed above. It enables caching of ESET LiveGuard Advanced on your proxy:

<VirtualHost *:3128>

 ProxyRequests On



<VirtualHost *:3128>



         <If "%{REQUEST_METHOD} == 'CONNECT'">

            Require all denied



        ProxyRequests Off

        CacheEnable disk /

        SSLProxyEngine On


        RequestHeader set Front-End-Https "On"

        ProxyPass / timeout=300 keepalive=On ttl=100 max=100 smax=10

        ProxyPassReverse / keepalive=On



3.Save the configuration and restart the proxy service.


Enable necessary proxy mods

When using custom Linux Apache proxy with ESET LiveGuard Advanced, verify you have enabled mods: headers ssl alias.

For example, for Debian-based distributions use:

1.Load modules:
sudo a2enmod headers ssl alias

2.Restart the service:
service apache2 restart