ESET Online Help

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Review errors and logs

View deployment and task errors

1.Click Scheduled Jobs > Completed Jobs.

2.Select the applicable job. Review each endpoint's status, standard output (Stdout), and standard error output (Stderr).

View monitor errors

1.Under the applicable site, click Monitor.

2.Review the Diagnostic Summary section of the alert.


If you cannot detect an issue in the locations above, enable the appropriate debug variable and view the log for your operating system.

View Windows logs

Logs can be found in the C:\ProgramData\ESET\eRMMI\logs folder or the equivalent for your system. Common logs include:

ESET Direct Endpoint Management Plugin for DattoRMM-monitor.log: Logs all monitor activity for an endpoint; self-cleaning if a file becomes larger than 2MB.

endpoint_install.log: Contains MSI logs for an endpoint install. This log is useful if you are having deployment issues.

ermmi.log: Considered a "master log". Includes output from deployments, monitors and tasks; self-cleaning if a file becomes larger than 2MB.

View Mac logs

Logs can be found in the /Library/Application Support/ESET/esets/logs folder. A common log is the ermmi.log or master log. It includes output from deployments, monitors and tasks. The log is self-cleaning if the file becomes larger than 2MB.

View Linux logs

Logs can be found in the /opt/ermma/logs/ folder. A common log is the ermma.log. This log contains all data from any eRMMA command that is run on the system (incl. output from deployments, monitors and tasks).