Dzienniki zmian dla produktów ESET
Na tej stronie wyświetlane są dzienniki zmian i informacje o wydaniu dla najnowszych wersji produktów ESET, wymienione od najnowszej do najwcześniejszej (dostępne tylko w języku angielskim). Kliknij nazwę produktu, aby wyświetlić jego dzienniki zmian. Każdy produkt zawiera ostatnie 20 dzienników zmian. Cykle wydawnicze mogą się różnić w zależności od regionu lub kraju.
Ostatnie dzienniki zmian dla ESET Server Security for Linux (dawniej ESET File Security for Linux)
- Added: Option to disable Web Access Protection feature before product installation
- Added: Support of Live Installer in ESET PROTECT
- Added: Support of Amazon Linux 2023
- Improved: On-Access scan improvement focused on responsivity and timeout elimination
- Improved: Memory consumption of logging service
- Improved: Option to define temp directory for ICAP
- Fixed: Web Access Protection blocking localhost webpage
- Fixed: Files downloaded from quarantine are in HTML format
- Fixed: Excluded IP addresses in Web Access Protection not functional after pause and reset
- Fixed: Other minor improvement and bugfixes
- Fixed: Compilation of eset_rtp fails on Debian 11
- Fixed: Product restart after apt transaction on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Fixed: Other minor issues and improvements
- Added: Vulnerability & Patch Management
- Added: Support of ESET PROTECT Hub
- Added: Remote scanning via ICAPS (ICAP over TLS)
- Added: Support of Cisco AnyConnect VPN in Web Access Protection
- Added: Support of Oracle Linux 9
- Improved: Computer reboot not necessary after installation via ESET PROTECT
- Improved: Web Access Protection stability and security improvements
- Changed: ESET LiveGuard configuration location changes
- Changed: Sending of documents changed from LiveGrid & LiveGuard only to LiveGuard
- Removed: Support of CentOS 7, RHEL 7, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Debian 10
- Fixed: Excluded directories scanned by on-demand scan
- Fixed: Issues with scheduling and on-demand scan
- Fixed: Compilation of eset_rtp fails on Debian 11
- Fixed: Product restart after apt transaction on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Added: Support of Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
- Fixed: Compilation of eset_rtp and eset_wap fails with latest kernel versions
- Fixed: Other minor improvement and fixes
- Added: Botnet Protection
- Added: Alma Linux 8 support
- Added: Advanced logs section available in product's GUI
- Changed: Renaming of related ESET products referred in the product
- Fixed: System freeze when installing applications via Flatpak
- Fixed: Various WAP related errors and malfunctions
- Other minor improvement and fixes
- New: Web Access protection for monitoring HTTP & HTTPS communication
- New: Advanced Machine Learning – a high-powered detection engine in the cloud
- New: Policies / Setup structure redesign
- New: Support of Rocky Linux 8 & 9
- Improved: Support for submission of documents when enabling ESET LiveGuard
- Improved: On-access scan improvements
- Improved: Memory consumption optimization of on-demand scan
- Improved: Unified Seat Names reported by the product to EBA/EMA
- Improved: New product visuals in product interface
- Fixed: Operating system freeze and real-time protection timeout
- Fixed: Unresponsive system (freeze) during mass removal of files
Version 10.0.328.0
- NEW: New product installer with minimal modules
- NEW: Scanning of kernel modules
- NEW: Detection level settings in Real-Time & Machine Learning protection
- NEW: Support of Debian 12
- NEW: Support of Alma Linux 9
- NEW: GUI password change
- NEW: Custom tmp directory for ESET services
- NEW: ESET Bridge support
- NEW: Ukrainian localization
- IMPROVED: On-access scan improvements
- IMPROVED: GUI rendering performance
- FIXED: Product does not reconnect to ESET LiveGuard servers after network connection outage
- FIXED: The association request contains incorrect seatname during activation phase
- REMOVED: Support of SLES 12
- Fixed: Compilation of kernel modules fails with latest kernels on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Fixed: Internally discovered vulnerability CVE-2023-2847
- Fixed: Server freeze on systems with SAMBA network drives
- Fixed: Activation fails under specific root account configurations
- Fixed: ICAP scanning of Nutanix file storage
- Fixed: Modules directory excluded from RTP scanning due to incorrect permissions
- Fixed: Unexpected error while using an on-demand scanner
- Fixed: Unexpected freeze or slowdown of a server caused by real-time protection
- Added: Auto-updates & New EULA
- Added: Support of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Added: Support of RHEL 9
- Added: Product tour in Web GUI
- Improved: Enhancement of product kernel module
- Improved: Sample delete settings for ESET LiveGuard Advanced
- Improved: Reporting of non-working services to ESET LiveGrid by Watchdog
- Improved: File size limit for offline license upload in Web GUI
- Improved: Support of SELinux without product specific rules
- Improved: Redesign of 404 page
- Fixed: Issues while scanning BTRFS volumes
- Fixed: Delay of opening files located on a read-only NFS shares
- Fixed: Issues when triggering a scan from his ESET Protect console
- Fixed: On-demand scan remains in "Scanning in progress" state
- Fixed: Performance issues caused by Real-time protection
- Fixed: Performance exclusion malfunction in case of large amount of exclusions
- Removed: ESET Shared Local Cache due to EOL status
Version 9.0.466.0
- Fixed: Internally discovered vulnerability CVE-2023-2847
Version 9.0.464.0
- Fixed: Kernel module stability and performance issues
- Fixed: Non-functional update from local mirror
- Fixed: "server" parameter in "upd" utility is ignored
Version 9.0.461.0
- Fixed: Performance issues related to real-time protection kernel module
- Fixed: Kernel panic after module updates
- Fixed: Product crashes during on-access scanning
- Fixed: ESET product detected as malicious by other security vendors installed on the same machine
- Fixed: Memory leak on multiuser system with active real-time protection
- Fixed: Real-time protection not functional after a product restart
- Fixed: Scan daemon crashes due to missing modules
- Improved: Ability to define retention of samples submitted by ESET LiveGuard
- Added: ESET Enterprise Inspector support
- Added: Watchdog feature responsible for service monitoring
- Added: Status Overview section added in Web GUI
- Added: New graphs in Dashboard section: Memory utilization, CPU utilization and Scanned Files
- Improved: Web GUI security improvement based on OWASP Application Security Verification Standard
- Improved: Area graphs in the dashboard section converted to line graphs
- Improved: Stretching of tiles and charts in Dashboard section
- Improved: Landing to Status Overview screen after a clean installation
- Improved: Status overview tiles turn pale white while loading
- Fixed: A potential vulnerability in the on-access scanner - reported internally (CVE-2022-0615)
- Fixed: Issue with On-demand scan running as non-root user
- Fixed: Meta data not deleted during log optimization process
- Fixed: Real-time File System Protection blocking Desktop Central Agent
- Fixed: License expiration alert shown only on one Web GUI application
- Fixed: Issues with handling non-UTF paths in running scans
- Removed: Support of Ubuntu 16.04, Debian 9 and CentOS 8
- Removed: Country flags removed from the login screen and license registration
Version 8.1.823.0
- Fixed: Internally discovered vulnerability CVE-2023-2847
Version 8.1.820.0
- Fixed: Kernel panic after module updates
- Fixed: Performance issues related to real-time protection kernel module
Version 8.1.818.0
- Fixed: A potential vulnerability in the on-access scanner - reported internally (CVE-2022-0615)
- Fixed: On-demand scan issues resulted in a system freeze
Cykl życia produktu, aktualizacje, integracje i informacje prawne
- Koniec żywotności
- Najnowsze wersje
- Dziennik zmian
- Interfejsy API i integracje
- Aktualizacje silnika detekcji
- Dokumenty prawne