Dzienniki zmian dla produktów ESET
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Ostatnie dzienniki zmian dla ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server
Version 11.1.15003.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-1185
Version 11.1.15001.0
- New: Support for On-demand Vulnerability scan for Vulnerability and Patch Management
- New: Vulnerability and Patch Management logging capability both locally and reporting to ESET Protect console
- New: Support for ESET LiveGuard Advanced
- New: RDP Access restriction feature for non FW products
- Improved: Brute force attack protection was extended to cover MS SQL and MySQL protocols
- Improved: Various Override mode modifications for better security and user experience
- Improved: Extended the supported password length for SharePoint farm admin account to 256 characters
- Changed: The configuration message about the availability of elevated permissions account setup for Automatic Exclusions is now suppressed if the product was installed through the ESET PROTECT management console
- Fixed: Occasional freeze/restart issue on the first update of the Real-time protection module on specific environments
- Fixed: A problem with failing installation with parameter "…ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE=%component%"
Version 11.0.15007.0
- Improved: Extended the supported password length for SharePoint farm admin account to 256 characters
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-11859
Version 11.0.15004.0
- IMPROVED: An error record is now available in the events log indicating the user provided invalid credentials for the elevated permissions account.
- FIXED: A known issue with Vulnerability and Patch Management, where the vulnerability scan was unable to list Server OS vulnerabilities.
- FIXED: A problem where a not supported restart-related setting was displayed in the policy for the Vulnerability and Patch Management for ESET Security for Microsoft SharePoint Server.
- FIXED: A problem where the policy-locked settings were displayed as inactive in the GUI.
- FIXED: A problem where the header of the network protection log was not displayed.
- FIXED: An issue where Windows Updates were not being displayed in the GUI or in ESET PROTECT on systems older than Windows 10 RS4.
- FIXED: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-3779
Version 11.0.15002.0
- New: Firewall Support
- New: Vulnerability & Patch Management support
- New: ESET PROTECT Hub Support
- New: Support for SHA-256 file hash
- New: In-product support state informing according to End-of-life policy
- New: Extended generation of Automatic Exclusions with the use of arbitrary credentials
- New: ESET Shell can now export data to .csv
- New: Support for forced check of product auto-upgrades via ESET PROTECT Console
- Improved: Configuration export protected by admin rights needed
- Improved: ESET Cluster wizard now informs about the result of product activation on individual nodes
- Improved: Imported configuration from cluster node (within synchronization) will have cluster as source in audit log
- Changed: Cluster menu option has been moved from "tools" to "Setup/Server" section
- Changed: Various User interface layouts in Setup/Server, Setup/Network
- Fixed: A problem where a path to SharePoint site containing special characters was scrambled when saved in scheduler
- Fixed: A problem where incorrect language was set while deploying via GPO
- Fixed: A problem where an on-demand scan of .tgz archive returned "error reading archive"
- Fixed: A problem where it was not possible to start eShell under SYSTEM account
- Fixed: A problem with error message: "The system failed to flush data to the transaction log" in event viewer caused by realtime filesystem protection
- Fixed: A problem where a status message “Updates are available” could not be dismissed
- Fixed: A problem with occasion of incorrect task logs informing about failed scan that actually completed successfully
- Fixed: A problem where execution of signed batch file through eShell was not working properly
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows Server 2012
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows Storage Server 2012
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Essentials
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Foundation
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows MultiPoint Server 2012
- Other minor fixes and changes
Version 10.0.15008.0
- Improved: Extended the supported password length for SharePoint farm admin account to 256 characters
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-11859
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-3779
- Fixed: Fixed detection of available Windows updates on Windows10 RS4 and older
Version 10.0.15005.1
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 10.0.15004.0
- New: Azure Code Signing support
- Improved: The scope of settings that are subject to synchronization between nodes in ESET Cluster has been extended
- Improved: Introduced new Hyper-V on-demand scan result state of "completed with warnings" to indicate the presence of critical issues in the scan log
- Improved: eShell cluster initialize command now accepts file containing list of nodes separated by newlines
- Changed: eShell scheduler command renamed from „action“ to „type“
- Fixed: A problem where a non built-in administrator user was unable to restart the server via GUI
- Fixed: A problem where it was not possible to activate ESET Inspect Connector with offline license
- Fixed: Addressed the customer-reported issues of slow application openings and timeouts for specific applications
- Fixed: The issue causing log on and log off sessions to get stuck, requiring a server reboot for resolution
- Fixed: A problem where it was not possible to start eShell under SYSTEM account
- Fixed: A problem where execution of signed batch file through eShell was not working properly
- Fixed: A problem where product was sending a malformed request when connecting via proxy to HTTPS update server with explicitly specified port, rendering HTTPS connection non-functional
- Fixed: A problem where an attempt to edit the on-demand SharePoint db scan task led to not responding/ crash or to the mixture of scheduler and scanner profile targets
- Fixed: A problem with EP(C) target generation, when after encountering some problem targets were not generated and scanning from EP using Server task was not possible
- Removed: Ability to install or upgrade ESET products on operating systems that do not support Azure Code Signing
Version 10.0.15003.0
- New: New product installer with minimal modules
- New: ESET Bridge integration
- New: Redesigned GUI with a Dark mode added
- New: Scheduled on-demand scan with login credentials
- New: Scheduled on-demand scan timeout setting for Custom scan, Hyper-V, and SharePoint database scan
- New: Ukrainian localization and documentation available
- Improved: SysInspector GUI redesign
- Improved: Optimization and performance improvements of Email client protection module
- Improved: Added possibility to use wildcards in Model, Vendor and Serial number fields for Device control rules
- Improved: New concept of communication of pending product updates, and end user licence agreement
- Improved: Scheduling of SharePoint database on-demand scan is available in ESET Protect Console
- Fixed: ESET LiveGuard status "enabled but not activated" not available
- Fixed: Various string fixes in Japanese localization
- Fixed: A problem where ESET Outlook plugin was causing Outlook to freeze
- Fixed: Non-functional reboot button for non-admin users after auto-update
- Fixed: Automatic exclusions are not generated for Skype for Business Server 2019
- Fixed: Automatic exclusion issue on Servers with DC role
- Removed: ESET Shared local cache removed due to the EOL status
- Removed: Compatibility with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, and Small Business Server 2011
- Removed: Repair and modify options removed from product installer
Version 9.0.15006.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 9.0.15005.0
- New: Azure Code Signing support
- Improved: Extended the scope of settings that are subject to synchronization between nodes in ESET Cluster
- Improved: eShell cluster initialize command now accepts file containing list of nodes separated by newlines
- Fixed: A problem where a non built-in administrator user was unable to restart the server via GUI
- Fixed: A problem where execution of signed batch file through eShell was not working properly
- Fixed: A problem where product was sending a malformed request when connecting via proxy to HTTPS update server with explicitly specified port, rendering HTTPS connection non-functional
- Fixed: A problem with EP(C) target generation, when after encountering some problem targets were not generated and scanning from EP using Server task was not possible
- Removed: Ability to install or upgrade ESET products on operating systems that do not support Azure Code Signing
Version 9.0.15004.0
- Fixed: eShell SharePoint scan starts in read-only mode by default
- Improved: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy
Version 9.0.15003.0
- New: Auto-update - opt-out automatic updates of product to the latest version
- New: Brute-force attack protection against password guessing for RDP and SMB services.
- New: Future End User License Agreement amendments and terms variation by notification
- Improved: Skip file scan for files not modified within specified time interval
- Improved: ESET OneDrive scanner deleted when permissions are not accepted
- Improved: Improved counting of users from trusted domain
- Improved: New dialogue for SharePoint administrator account credentials
- Fixed: Vulnerability CVE-2022-27167
- Fixed: Duplicated users are not removed from the user count
- Fixed: Refreshing application statuses causes reset of input entered by user during product initialization
- Fixed: Archived files restored after launching on-demand scan
- Fixed: Issues with reporting protection status to ESET Protect
- Fixed: Inconsistencies when using the GUI with high resolution screens
- Fixed: Email notifications missing in ESHELL
- Fixed: Automatic exclusion of files when using a DC role with automatic exclusions enabled
- Removed: Support of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007
Version 8.0.15012.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 8.0.15011.0
- New: Azure Code Signing support
- Improved: Extended the scope of settings that are subject to synchronization between nodes in ESET Cluster
- Fixed: A problem where execution of signed batch file through eShell was not working properly
- Removed: Ability to install or upgrade ESET products on operating systems that do not support Azure Code Signing
Version 8.0.15010.0
- Fixed: Issues with on-demand database scan rules
- Improved: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy
Version 8.0.15009.0
- Fixed: Vulnerability CVE-2022-27167
- Fixed: Incorrectly displayed AMSI alert when changing the advanced scanning of browser scripts
- Fixed: Memory leak (non paged-pool) during volume scanning
- Fixed: Duplicated users are not removed from the user count
Version 8.0.15006.0
- Added: Support of SharePoint Subscription Edition
- Added: Support of Microsoft Windows Server 2022
- Added: Mechanism to display grouped list items from configuration such as configuration, application notifications or interactive statuses
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2021-37852 [CVSS 7.8] - reported externally
- Fixed: Updater crashes when creating a mirror
- Fixed: 'Network' and 'Web and email' tabs disappear from Setup after the installation process
- Fixed: On-demand scan fails with: SHPIO - Error while scanning
- Fixed: Context menu scan - Desktop notification is displayed only for an administrator
- Fixed: EGUI launched after the product installed with Core install
- Fixed: Scheduled scan from policy with different "next run" time
Version 8.0.15004
- Added: MicroPCU technology with central EULA updates handling.
- Fixed: Counting of users for SP 2013+
- Fixed: A few fixes in the scanning of the SP databases
Version 7.3.15006.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
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