Dzienniki zmian dla produktów ESET
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Ostatnie dzienniki zmian dla ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server
Version 11.1.10011.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-11859
- Fixed: A problem where the modification of Base64 encoded mail body in html format resulted into corrupted mail message
- Fixed: A problem where every 256th email was missing in the quarantine report
Version 11.1.10008.0
- New: Mail quarantine integration with ESET PROTECT On-Prem
- New: Quarantine reports can now be set up for administrators outside of the domain
- New: Support for On-demand Vulnerability scan for Vulnerability and Patch Management
- New: Vulnerability and Patch Management logging capability both locally and reporting to ESET
- New: Authenticated received chain verification support
- New: New macros available to use with rule "Send mail notification"
- New: RDP Access restriction feature
- Improved: Modification of body of Base64 encoded emails
- Improved: Brute force attack protection was extended to cover MS SQL and MySQL protocols
- Improved: Various Override mode modifications for better security and user experience
- Improved: Support for URL analysis in document-reference headers
- Improved: Macros available for rules are now more unified and with better explanation
- Improved: Performance improvements of agent priority setting both in GUI and ESET Shell
- Improved: Local mailbox counting in domains with multiple sub-domains
- Changed: ESET Mail Security now uses the Replay directory instead of Pickup directory on the Exchange Server to send internal notifications and reports
- Changed: Emails sent to journaling mailboxes will not be quarantined
- Changed: "Report a phishing site" was moved to setup/server for improved usability
- Fixed: Incorrect display of sender's IP address in SMTP protection logs
- Fixed: Modification of subject of phishing messages now works when detected during the on-demand scan
Version 11.0.10010.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-11859
Version 11.0.10008.0
- Improved: Added fallback to default on-demand scan account for error handling and compatibility with public folders.
- Improved: An error record is now available in the Events log indicating the user provided invalid credentials for the elevated permissions account.
- Fixed: A known issue with Vulnerability and Patch Management, where the vulnerability scan was unable to list Server OS vulnerabilities.
- Fixed: A problem where a not supported restart-related setting was displayed in the policy for the Vulnerability and Patch Management for ESET Mail Security.
- Fixed: A problem where the policy-locked settings were displayed as inactive in the GUI.
- Fixed: A problem where the header of the network protection log was not displayed.
- Fixed: An issue where Windows Updates were not being displayed in the GUI or in ESET PROTECT on systems older than Windows 10 RS4.
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-3779
Version 11.0.10005.0
- New: Microsoft 365 On-demand scan refactored to use Graph API to prepare for discontinuation of EWS
- New: Protection statistics reports now contain information about detected file types and file extensions
- New: Protection statistics reports can now be sent in .csv
- New: Administrator can now release the quarantined mail to the desired mailboxes only
- New: Homoglyphs are now being evaluated for phishing detection
- New: Notifications for triggered email rules can now be sent to the original recipients
- New: Vulnerability & Patch Management support
- New: ESET PROTECT Hub Support
- New: In-product support state informing according to End-of-life policy
- New: Extended generation of Automatic Exclusions with the use of arbitrary credentials
- New: ESET Shell can now export data to .csv
- Improved: Rules now contain separate filters for .vsd and .vsdx
- Improved: Various improvements on DKIM signing workflow design
- Improved: ESET Shell now supports creation of scheduler tasks for protection statistics reports
- Improved: Quarantine report can be now password protected
- Improved: Optimized loading of mailboxes and public folders for on-demand scan in environments with large AD
- Improved: IPs and URLs in Quarantine reports are now obfuscated to avoid further detection
- Improved: Document-Reference headers checked by anti-phishing protection
- Improved: ESET Cluster wizard now informs about the result of product activation on individual nodes
- Improved: Imported configuration from cluster node (within synchronization) will have the cluster as source in the audit log
- Changed: Documents are now sent for analysis by default after enabling of ESET LiveGuard Advanced
- Changed: Cluster menu option has been moved from “Tools” to "Setup/Server" section
- Fixed: A problem with DKIM signing due to case-sensitive comparison of domains
- Fixed: A problem where an expired session of web quarantine returned error 403 instead of the login screen
- Fixed: Support for the new structure of anti-spam lists in ESET Shell
- Fixed A problem where a status message “Updates are available” could not be dismissed
- Fixed: A problem where execution of signed batch file through ESET Shell was not working properly
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows Server 2012-based operating systems (NT 6.2)
Version 10.1.10017.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-11859
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-3779
- Fixed: Fixed detection of available Windows updates on Windows10 RS4 and older
- Fixed: A problem where the policy-locked settings were displayed as inactive in the GUI
Version 10.1.10014.0
- Updated: DKIM signing agent is now installed also on Edge server
- Fixed: EEI error "Events cannot be received. HIPS is disabled"
- Fixed: Crash of ESET Service after upgrade to 10.1 due to the Local Mail Quarantine DB update
- Fixed: Crash of EdgeTransport when disabling Mail transport protection while DKIM signing is enabled
- Fixed: *.vsdx, *.vsdm files are no longer detected as archives
- Fixed: Crash of ESET Service when diagnostic logging is turned on while there is a large number of Accepted Domains in Exchange Server
- Fixed: Error when running signed batch file in eShell
- Fixed: Excel file getting blocked with rule "Forbidden archive data attachments"
- Fixed: Misleading errors about failed updating of transport agent in Event log
Version 10.1.10012.0
- New: Availability of Mail Quarantine in ESET Cluster
- New: Availability of Mail Protection Reports in ESET Cluster
- New: Getting ready for SHA-256 file hashing method
- New: On-premise mode for LiveGuard and LiveGrid
- New: Ability to tweak auto-updates from cloud management console and override the official global release rollout window
- New: Ability to copy rules
- New: Installer hard block for Operating Systems without Azure Code Signing support
- Improved: Enabling ESET LiveGuard Advanced now automatically submits documents
- Improved: Rules: Processing of archives
- Improved: Rules: Logging of blocked attachment types and triggered rules
- Improved: Quarantine: Access rights management
- Improved: Quarantine storage space can be limited
- Improved: Quarantine audit logs
- Improved: Quarantine web interface now supports shared mailboxes
- Improved: Quarantine report is now customizable
- Improved: Antispam lists now have a comment column
- Improved: Scheduler dialogs
- Improved: IDS blacklist timeout is now configurable
- Fixed: Processing of large Antispam IP/Domain list data
- Fixed: DKIM signing for empty domain
- Various other improvement and fixes
Version 10.0.10018.1
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 10.0.10017.0
- New: Installer hard block for Operating Systems without Azure Code Signing support
- Fixed: Quarantine Web Interface: It's now possible to show message details by clicking on the row
- Various minor bugfixes
Version 10.0.10016.0
- New: Reports – new scheduler task for periodic Mail Server Protection statistics
- New: New method for Microsoft365 authentication
- New: Support for linked mailboxes and hidden mailboxes
- New: New access rights role for quarantine management
- New: Rules: targeted notifications after rule hit
- New: Rules: condition for antispam result category
- New: Rules: macro placeholders for existing antispam whitelists
- New: Scheduled on-demand scan with login credentials
- New: Dark mode added
- New: ESET Bridge support
- New: New product installer with minimal modules
- New: Ukrainian localization and documentation available
- Improved: GUI redesign
- Improved: New concept of communication of pending product updates, and end user license agreement
- Improved: Optimization and performance improvements of Email client protection module
- Improved: SysInspector GUI redesign
- Improved: Device control improvement
- Fixed: Attachment name rule incorrectly blocking .msg attachments
- Removed: ESET Shared local cache removed due to the EOL status
- Removed: Compatibility with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, and Small Business Server 2011
- Removed: Compatibility with Microsoft Exchange 2007
- Removed: Repair and modify options removed from product installer
Version 9.0.10012.0
- FIXED: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 9.0.10011.0
- New: Installer hard block for Operating Systems without Azure Code Signing support
- Fixed: Quarantine Web Interface: It's now possible to show message details by clicking on the row
- Various minor bugfixes
Version 9.0.10010.0
- FIXED: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy
Version 9.0.10009.0
- Added: Additional variables for "Format of the text used to replace deleted attachments"
- Fixed: Issue with excessive memory allocation during Antiphishing scan
- Fixed: Issue with incorrect blocking of attachments based on the dangerous attachment rule
- Fixed: Issue with wrong value of enveloper sender in MS Exchange quarantine
- Fixed: Issue with removing of multiline headers in Rules
- Fixed: Issue with a redundant log for infected attachment. When the blocked attachment is moved to quarantine and contains an infection, redundant entry with "unable to clean" action created in the virlog was fixed
Version 9.0.10008.0
- Added: New rule add action "Skip ESET LiveGuard (old name ** EDTD) scan"
- Added: The option to filter emails (message body) according to the list of words. (e.g. profanity words)
- Added: The option for deleting just the attachment while the message body is delivered to the recipient
- Added: The option to scan all attachments quarantined by rules also by AV scanner
- Added: The option to check quarantined attachments also by ESET LiveGuard (old name EDTD)
- Added: HTTPS links are now enabled, to release items directly from mail quarantine reports
- Improved: The handling of detected attachments (user can replace quarantined/deleted messages with custom text)
- Improved: The Web quarantine interface and its behaviour (i.e. automatic refresh when the page size changes)
- Improved: SPF: possibility to verify MAIL FROM domain first before HELO domain
- Improved: Debug log records were added to Mail quarantine reports
- Improved: Debug log extended about the user who released a message from quarantine
- Improved: A Time limit option was added to scheduled On-demand scans to have the possibility to stop the scan after a defined period of time automatically
- Improved: DKIM was improved - user can determine which emails should be signed
- Improved: Background activities are shown in the tray icon
- Improved: Quarantine attachment envelope text was improved by added support for malware detection
- Improved: Improvements were made in the DKIM settings section
- Improved: Database scan remaining time indicates real-time as it is for computer scan
- Improved: Support for malware detections was improved in quarantine attachment envelope text
- Improved: The formatting to Notification in the body for scanned emails
- Improved: Web quarantine customisation related mainly to the GUI
- Fixed: The expiration date is now correctly sent to ESET PROTECT when the license has an MSP flag AND is not trial
- Fixed: The module folder is now not present in the non-system drive after uninstall
- Fixed: Error while adding a message to local quarantine - events log is now solved
- Fixed: The body of quarantined messages is now localized correctly
- Fixed: Headers in detail of quarantined record are now shown correctly
- Fixed: After changing the uPCU update type advanced setup works now correctly
- Fixed: In a hybrid environment, scanning remote shared mailboxes works properly
- Fixed: Infected emails can be now released from quarantine without returning back
- Fixed: Turning on disabled or paused features in the setup panel works correctly
- Fixed: Mail with infected attachments is properly quarantined
- Fixed: Handling of damaged mail that passed ESET LiveGuard (old name EDTD) analysis was fixed
- Fixed: SPF evaluation set via rules is working now properly
Version 8.0.10024.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [CVSS 7.8]
Version 8.0.10023.0
- New: Installer hard block for Operating Systems without Azure Code Signing support
Version 8.0.10022.0
- Fixed: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy
Version 8.0.10020.0
- Fixed: vulnerability CVE-2022-27167
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