Changelogs for ESET products
This page displays changelogs and release notes for the latest ESET product versions, listed from latest to earliest (available in English only). Click a product name to view its changelogs. Each product includes the last 20 changelogs. Release cycles may vary by region or country.
Recent changelogs for ESET Inspect Connector
Version 2.4.4573.0
- Added: Exceptions to reputation allowing to kill trusted processes
- Improved: New remote terminal
- Improved: Performance
- Fixed: Various bugs
Version 2.4.4545.0
- Added: Exceptions to reputation allowing to kill trusted processes
- Improved: New remote terminal
- Improved: Performance
- Fixed: Various bugs
Version 2.3.4302.0
- Added: Password protected EEI Agent (Released with ESET Inspect On-Prem)
- Added: Ability to Isolate macOS Endpoint from network directly from ESET Inspect
- Improved: Questions View has been renamed to Notifications View, along with several other usability enhancements
- Improved: UI for Incident statuses and filters was improved
- Improved: Download Script option will collect information from available fragments, in case the script was deleted
- Improved: Performance
- Fixed: Various bugs
Version 2.2.4101.0
- Fixed: Various minor bugs
Version 2.2.4100.0
- Fixed: Various minor bugs
Version 2.2.4056
- ADDED: Kill Process for macOS and Linux (Ubuntu)
- ADDED: Auto update of the Inspect Connector for Windows, macOS and Linux
- ADDED: Windows scheduled tasks are detected as EI event
- ADDED: Windows services tasks are detected as EI event
- IMPROVED: When redirecting from the MDR Dashboard user arrives to a filtered audit log
- IMPROVED: Various minor UI Improvements to increase intuitiveness
- IMPROVED: Various minor Detection Improvements to increase protection
- FIXED: Detections are only displayed for devices connected to ESET PROTECT
- FIXED: Various minor bugfixes
Version 2.1.3779.0
- Added: Incident graph improvements for better investigation
- Added: Extended Rule detail by new values
- Added: Medium severity to incidents created by Incident Creator
- Improved: New Notifications based on Rule module update
- Improved: Performance and Optimization of API calls
- Improved: Enhanced Exclusion editor by new the items
- Fixed: Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Version 2.0.3549.0
- Improved: reliability and performance
- Fixed: various minor bugs fix
Version 2.0.3539.0
- New: Incidents can now be created using rules
- New: Dashboard for Incident management
- New: Automatic and Manual remediation of Incidents
- New: Raw Event transfer through a cloud Blob storage
- New: Language support Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese
- Changed: UI Visuals to reflect the branding changes
- Improved: Flood prevention improvements
- Improved: Rule module - Users can now enable/disable new rules directly from settings independent of server release
- Improved: Users can now use a setting to: Automatically execute remediation actions specified by rules
- Fixed: Various other fixes
Version 1.12.3296
- New: Grouping of detections that are similar and occur at similar time
- New: A clear chart depicting the creator of the incident is added
- Changed: Rule module - Whenever we detect a new threat and create a rule to defend against it, the rule is automatically added to the module
- Changed: Learning mode is turned on by default and Exclusions are automatically enabled
- Improved: Questions view section - Users can accept or reject suggestions using multi-selection
- Improved: Incident graph - Users see the exact layout they've set up every time they access it
- Improved: Performance, reducing memory usage
- Improved: LiveGuard Status, showing a clear progression from "Queued" to "Sent"
Version 1.11.2883.0
- Fixed: Performance issues
- Fixed: Reliability issues
Version 1.11.2882.0
- Fixed: Performance issues
- Fixed: Reliability issues
Version 1.11.2872.0
- New: Incident Visualizations
- New: Automated Resolution for Detections
- New: Utilizing SHA Hashes for Script Exclusions
- New: Exclusions Enabled by Default
- Improved: Memory Consumption on Servers
- Improved: Faster Loading of Detections and Incidents Details
- Improved: Faster Rule Execution for Historical Data
- Improved: Table Filtering Improvements
- New: Diagnostics Data Collection
- New: New Detection Rules
Version 1.10.2672.0
- Fixed: Performance and reliability fixes
Version 1.10.2664.0
- Added: Multitenancy support completed (management of access rights per group, synchronization of static group types, and improved blocking of modules)
- New: New signals to indicate ransomware attacks
- New: Simple incident creation based on the SIEM rules
- New: Detection of files delivered through RDP connection's copy & paste
- New: Displayed OS API calls from LiveGuard
- New: MDR Report Template
- New: Dark Mode
- New: ESET LiveGuard information columns in the executables table view
- Fixed: Stability and performance fixes
Version 1.9.2423.0
- Improved: Optimization of memory usage caused by operation's cache in ESET Inspect Connector
- Improved: Option to Submit selected executables to LiveGuard in the "Executables" view
- Fixed: Performance, stability and memory issues
- Fixed: Rules actions operability and exporting issues
Version 1.9.2404.0
- New: Multitenancy for selective Access Rights control and targeting of e.g. Detection Rules per tenant
- New: Integration with LiveGuard Advanced cloud sandbox
- Added: Ability to Report Incident as an action available in the Rules syntax
- Added: Ability for Endpoint Detection types to be matched in the EI Rules (for elevation to Incident)
- Added: Monitoring of selected Win API calls
- Added: Canary files utilization for enhanced detection of Ransomware behaviors
- Improved: Detection of multiple similar network events in a row (previously considered as "duplicates")
- Improved: Signals about potentially suspicious events from Firewall and Network protection layers
- Added: Ability to detect events of writing to and modifying multiple files
- Added: Link between URL connections and dropped files (for improved investigation of Incidents)
- Added: Ability to detect setting file attributes ("SetFileAttribute") on Linux
- Added: Ability to detect and investigate a process deleting its files
- Added: REST API now enables Incident Management capabilities
- Added: REST API now allows searching for Executables and their metadata
- Added: User Logout as a new action
- Added: Submit files to LiveGuard Advanced analysis as a new action
- Added: "Remember this device" for login when using 2FA
- Improved: Database and general performance
- Improved: Executable certificate signature verification method
Version 1.8.2218.0
- Fixed: EI Server crashes
- Fixed: EI Connector crashes when connecting via Remote Terminal
- Fixed: EI Connector crashes when printing errors
- Fixed: Update to v1.8 failing due to lack of disk space
Version 1.8.2214.0
- Fixed: Crashing of EI Server
- Fixed: Memory Leaks
- Fixed: EI Server installation failing
- Fixed: EI Connector not running on Ubuntu 22.04
- Fixed: Rule triggering on Linux
- Fixed: Some Events not being sent to EI Server on Linux
- Improved: Console log-in performance
- Added: Incidents data synchronization with ESET PROTECT for new Incidents dashboard
- Added: Event filtering based on "FileAttribute"
Version 1.8.2211.0
- Changed: Moving of Detection Rules evaluation from the central EI Server to individual endpoints
- Added: ESET MSP Administrator integration
- Improved: Partitioning of Processes table
- Added: Display Purge status overview
- Added: Ability to monitor SYS Files
- Added: Ability to monitor Kernel module load/unload operations on Linux
- Improved: Computer Reboot and Shutdown exposed to Rule engine as response actions
- Changed: Alignment of context menus and toolbars to match ESET PROTECT
- Improved: Ability to go from Process's raw events to Computer's raw events
- New: ISO certification achieved for ESET Inspect Cloud
Product lifecycle, updates, integrations, and legal information
- End of Life
- Latest versions
- Changelogs
- APIs and integrations
- Detection engine updates
- Legal documents