Dzienniki zmian dla produktów ESET
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Ostatnie dzienniki zmian dla ESET Endpoint Security for Windows
Version 12.0.2045.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-11859 (record reservation, responsible disclosure policy)
- Fixed: Ransomware Remediation folder exclusions require manual post-editing for every single entry to be functional - an asterisk needs to be appended
- Fixed: Pause until restart function of HIPS settings in Setup
- Fixed: Important warning occurred is displayed while scanning an empty disk drive
- Fixed: LiveGrid User consent settings not properly set by initial setup wizard after Hard upgrade
- Fixed: Not all files removed properly during uninstallation
- Fixed: Ransomware Remediation settings not shown in ESET PROTECT requested client configuration
- Fixed: Incomplete data about update shown in Update section in user interface
- Fixed: On-demand scan Client task not executed properly
- Improved: Newer native Windows File manager window used for the "Browse" button in Ransomware Remediation setting
- Improved: ESET PROTECT task status added to debug logs for support purposes
Version 12.0.2038.0
- New: Ransomware Remediation - backup and recovery of files modified by a ransomware
- New: Exclusions from network isolation
- New: Automatic upgrading of product after End of Life of product version
- New: Advanced setup structure improvements
- New: Automatic patching for applications without known vulnerability
- New: Automatic patching based on vulnerability risk or CVSS base score
- New: Support for Vulnerability patching logging and reports in ESET PROTECT
- New: Support for vulnerability scan reports in ESET PROTECT
- New: Windows Group policy firewall rules being evaluated
- New: Added application Exclusions from suppressing notifications during Presentation mode
- Improved: Search in advanced setup, search and highlighting of matching items
- Improved: Outlook mail plugin improvements and various issues fixed
Version 11.1.2053.2
- Fixed: Product kernel can be forced to reinitialize if Device control module detects a non-standard removable USB storage
- Fixed: Patch not applied if Vulnerability and Patch Management not able to perform integrity check of patch file
- Fixed: Incorrect vendor name of Disk Storage in Device control while using Populate function
- Fixed: Delay in opening larger email attachments in non-cached Outlook Exchange account
- Improved: Added distinguishing application status for Servicing update and New version available
Version 11.1.2052.0
- Fixed: Temporary Microsoft Outlook email client freezing in specific scenarios
- Fixed: Duplicated emails in 'Detected items' folder on shared cached Exchange accounts
- Fixed: Firewall - application of 'Learning mode end time' settings from policy
- Fixed: Firewall - application icons in the rule list and editor
- Fixed: Device Control - visibility of first column in populate Detected devices dialog
- Fixed: Activation via ESET Business Account when endpoint is set up in Arabic (Egypt) language
- Fixed: Secure Browser - checking of browser signature
- Fixed: Setup of the local 'Contact email' setting overridden by policy
- Fixed: Time range validator for Time slots in Advanced setup
- Fixed: Locking of 'Enable firewall' action based on the firewall policy
- Fixed: End-of-life - displaying of OS outdated application status
- Added: Advanced Logging - shield icon before 'Disable Advanced logging' action in the application message
Version 11.1.2039.2
- New: Support for On-demand Vulnerability scan for Vulnerability and Patch Management
- New: Vulnerability and Patch Management scheduler advanced options to enforce patching of missing patches automatically
- New: Vulnerability and Patch Management logging capability both locally and reporting to ESET Protect console
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-3779 [expected CVSS 6.1] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Persistent AMSI registration
- Improved: Override mode not asking for Advanced setup password when enabling
- Improved: Possibility to set weather locally changed settings during Override mode are reverted after ending it
- Improved: Start/End of Override mode possibilities added to Setup page and tray icon context menu
- Improved: Device control distinguishes between camera and scanner by icon in Populate devices
Version 11.0.2044.0
- Fixed: Occasional freeze of Operating system caused by Real-time File System Protection
- Fixed: Device control rules applied incorrectly for devices having non-standard characters in Serial number
- Fixed: EGUI interfering with Codegate's SAFE Panic button application
- Fixed: Real-time file system protection module blocks access to office files created by Linux/Mac applications on network drive
- Fixed: Filtering mode of Firewall set incorrectly to Interactive mode while importing XML configuration during installation
- Fixed: Export of Performance exclusions list contains exclusions set by policy, even when the list is filtered to show only locally created exclusions
- Fixed: Reactivation of previously deactivated Endpoint license
Version 11.0.2032.0
- New: In-product support state informing according to the End of Life policy
- New: Automatic OS patching for Vulnerability & Patch management
- New: Storage allocation check for Vulnerability & Patch management
- New: Check for Azure code signing compatibility of Operating system during installation
- Removed: Secure Browser Websites redirection, replaced by Secure all browsers protection
- Fixed: User interface occasionally not available after start
- Fixed: Wifi related activators in network profile switching
- Fixed: Services\efwd\ImagePath registry entries not bound by quotation marks
- Improved: Configuration export protected by admin rights needed
- Improved: Deletion of any log is recorded in Audit log
- Improved: Alternative identification of USB device by Device control not providing serial number
Version 10.1.2065.0
- Fixed: Residual files with zero size on volumes with FAT file system after cleaning operation
- Fixed: Services\efwd\ImagePath registry entries not bound by quotation marks
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-3779 [CVSS 6.1] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Fixed detection of available Windows updates on Windows10 RS4 and older
- Fixed: Fixed possible Windows freeze during file scanning
- Improved: On-demand: Added support for Azure File Sync
Version 10.1.2063.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [expected CVSS 7.8] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Occasional slowdown or corruption of file transferred via network
- Fixed: Slow start of GUI when Application patches pending in Vulnerability & Patch Management
- Fixed: Missing some information in Firewall rule created automatically via Interactive mode
Version 10.1.2058.0
- Fixed: Specific VB macro based malware not detected in docx documents
- Fixed: GUI crash when navigating to Network connections list
- Fixed: Operating system freezes caused by Endpoint Security product having unavailable network path excluded
- Fixed: Vulnerability & Patch Management feature not available after Auto-update
- Fixed: Check for Azure code signing compatibility of Operating system during installation
- Improved: Extended possible columns in Firewall rule list
Version 10.1.2050.0
- Fixed: ESET Service process crashing while using LTE modems
- Fixed: Unable to activate ESET Endpoint using MSP credentials
- Fixed: Application modification alert not displayed
- Fixed: Default Firewall rules have different values in 10.1 compared to 10.0
- Fixed: Activation retention on cloned Virtual machines
- Fixed: Countdown of Close applications notification to apply the patch
- Fixed: Device restart after applying of patch behavior
- Improved: Added more optional columns to firewall rule list
Version 10.1.2046.0
- New: Vulnerability & Patch Management
- New: Firewall redesign and unification across platforms
- New: ESET PROTECT HUB support
- New: Support for forced check of product auto-upgrades via ESET PROTECT console
- New: Sending documents by default after enabling of ESET LiveGuard Advanced
- New: Support for SHA-256 file hash
- New: Features rework - configuration structure and dependency of features
- Fixed: Incorrect action available for HIPS sub-features
- Fixed: ESET Inspect offline license file activation
- Fixed: Format mismatch of imported data from CSV into URL address list in Web control
- Fixed: Behavior of 'Do not remind me again' link in ESET Push notification service not available application status
Version 10.0.2052.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [expected CVSS 7.8] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Occasional slowdown or corruption of file transferred via network
Version 10.0.2049.0
- Fixed: Detection in Removable media when Media to scan set to Removable media only
- Fixed: Missing Restart required Interactive Alert after upgrade from older version
- Fixed: Check for Azure code signing compatibility of Operating system during installation
- Fixed: Error when submitting file to LiveGrid
- Improved: Prevent duplicate scans to be executed at the same time
Version 10.0.2045.0
- Fixed: Product reports incorrect version number when manual installation is executed and Auto-update is pending
- Fixed: Device Control not blocking particular disk storage model from Western Digital®
- Fixed: Offline license file product activation in specific scenarios
- Fixed: Missing configuration section of Document protection after otherwise successful Auto-update
- Fixed: Attaching data to Technical support report from SysInspector
- Fixed: Updating modules from Removable media storage
- Fixed: Minor typos and localization fixes
- Fixed: Incorrect order of attachments scanning if message contains related attachments
- Improved: Miscellaneous fixes in Graphical user interface after redesign
- Improved: Stability and compatibility of Email client protection for MS Outlook
Version 10.0.2034.0
- Changed: OS compatibility level for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 in installer
- New: Redesigned user interface with refreshed look and Dark mode added
- New: Intel® Threat Detection Technology detection capability added
- New: Secure All Browser feature, extension of Secure browser protecting all browsing instances
- New: Support for encrypted communication caching by ESET Bridge, new proxy solution
- Improved: Added possibility to use wildcards in Model, Vendor and Serial number fields for Device control rules
- Fixed: Restart notification having extreme timeout value
- Fixed: Email client integration not working after waking up from sleep
- Fixed: Conflicts with Mimecast, gpg4win, GpgOL and Kleopatra Outlook add-ins
Version 9.1.2071.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [expected CVSS 7.8] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Occasional slowdown or corruption of file transferred via network
Version 9.1.2066.0
- Fixed: Missing Restart required Interactive Alert after upgrade from older version
- Fixed: Check for Azure code signing compatibility of Operating system during installation
Version 9.1.2063.0
- FIXED: Reboot notification showing up earlier than set by snooze time.
- FIXED: Email client protection not operational after computer waking up from sleep.
- FIXED: Missing configuration section of Document protection after otherwise successful Auto-update.
- IMPROVED: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy.
- IMPROVED: Installation continues with warning when ProgramData folder is not empty.
- IMPROVED: Improve stability and compatibility of Email client protection for MS Outlook 3rd party plugins.
Version 9.1.2060.0
- Fixed: Restart notification having extreme timeout value
- Fixed: Conflicts with Mimecast, gpg4win, GpgOL and Kleopatra Outlook add-ins
- Fixed: Conflicts with Document management add-in and crashes in Outlook 2010
- Improved: Improve Outlook startup with many email accounts
Version 9.1.2057.0
- Fixed: Eamsi.dll reported as untrusted to Windows Notification center in Win11 with Smart Application Control (SAC) enabled
- Fixed: Eamsi.dll is not loaded to process while AMSI Featurebits=2
- Fixed: Updates from mirror and folder nonfunctional
- Fixed: OpenVPN version 2.5 compatibility
- Fixed: Restart required interactive alert is not displayed after upgrade
- Fixed: Incorrect username in the on demand scan log
- Fixed: Deadlock in product causes reading of proxy password leads to OS freeze
- Fixed: Toolbar/menu buttons not working in Outlook 2007
- Fixed: Application stops reporting antispam user address list scans
- Fixed: Sent emails are stuck in Outbox
- Fixed: Problems with Junk folder scanning on shared mailboxes
- Fixed: SysInspector2 - RTL languages displayed in ENU
- Fixed: SysInspector2 added translated strings, mainly Arabic and Hebrew
- Improved: SysInspector2 tooltip showing incomplete strings
Version 9.1.2051.0
- New: Minimal installer for deployment with newest modules.
- New: Endpoint restart/reboot improvements for managed networks.
- New: Complete technical revision of email client protection module.
- New: Auto-remediation of product states.
- New: New concept of product End User License Agreement (EULA) updates.
- New: ESET SysInspector 2: Redesign and refactoring.
- New: Auto-update state reporting to console.
- New: Improved communication of pending product updates.
- Fixed: Printing task stays in printing queue when printer is blocked by Device control.
- Fixed: Host-based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) rule application.
- Fixed: Missing Change month button in Watch activity under Tools.
- Fixed: HIPS rules created for selected folders needed to be manually extended to apply to all files.
- Fixed: Disabled editing of Scheduler task in Audit log view mode.
- Improved: Secure browser frame indicator visualization in Windows 11.
- Improved: Uninstallation reason feedback page removed from installer.
Version 9.0.2050.0
- Fixed: Incorrect state of Network attack protection (IDS) reported after upgrade with certain configuration
- Fixed: Eamsi.dll reported as un-trusted to Windows Notification center in Windows 11 with Smart Application Control (SAC) enabled
- Fixed: Eamsi.dll is not loaded to PowerShell process while AMSI Featurebits=2
- Fixed: Events not saved to Windows Event log
- Fixed: Compatibility of Firewall for OpenVPN virtual network adapter
- Fixed: Un-installation procedure of product with corrupted registry entries when installed from URL
- Fixed: Format of XML configuration exported from older products preventing import into newer products
- Fixed: Inconsistency in power action visible Action after scan and action actually performed
- Fixed: Incorrect username of user starting scan written into Scan log
- Fixed: Restart required is displayed instead of Restart recommended application status after Auto-update in certain situation
- Improved: Hardening countermeasures in required guidelines for boot-start drivers and protected processes
- Improved: License credentials used for authentication at official ESET update servers when set manually
- Improved: Installation continues with warning when ProgramData folder is not empty
- Improved: Count of threads used for scanning
Version 9.0.2046.0
- Fixed: EDTD operation after upgrade
- Fixed: Web control log not created until OS is rebooted after deployment
- Fixed: ESET control elements missing in the Windows context menu opened from 32-bit app
- Improved: Upgrade and uninstallation problems caused by external registry entries corruption
- Improved: Added ability to configure for application status "Eset Push Notification Service server cannot be reached"
- Fixed: HIPS rule application
- Fixed: Incorrect application status of "AMSI integration failed" shown upon changing setting "Enable advanced scanning of browser scripts"
- Fixed: Scheduled scan is incorrectly reported as not running if previous occurrence is still running
- Fixed: Restart required application status when same version of Endpoint deployed twice remotely
- Fixed: CVE-2022-27167
- Fixed: UEFI detection while On-Demand scan executed remotely from Detections list in Protect console
- Fixed: Coexistence with Sentinel ONE solution
Version 9.0.2032.6
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2021-37852 [CVSS 7.8] - reported externally
- New: Auto-update - automatic updates of product to latest version, by default turned ON
- New: Unilaterally changeable EULA, only in-product noification for further revisions
- New: Brute-force attack protection against password guessing for RDP nad SMB services
- New: Official Windows on ARM support
- Improved: Added "Forced device scan" action for removable media insertion to prevent users from interrupting scan
- Improved: Increased maximum file size to be scanned to 1TB
- Improved: Added Secure Browser not fully functional message to indicate reboot required after turning feature On
- Fixed: Activation with offline license file from remote management console failed
- Fixed: Events not written into Windows event log
- Fixed: Duplicate scheduled scans executed after delayed activation
- Localization: Improved grammar in Hungarian language after feedback from distributor
- Localization: Improved translation of Advanced logging and Module update in Japanese language
Cykl życia produktu, aktualizacje, integracje i informacje prawne
- Koniec żywotności
- Najnowsze wersje
- Dziennik zmian
- Interfejsy API i integracje
- Aktualizacje silnika detekcji
- Dokumenty prawne