Changelogs for ESET products
This page displays changelogs and release notes for the latest ESET product versions, listed from latest to earliest (available in English only). Click a product name to view its changelogs. Each product includes the last 20 changelogs. Release cycles may vary by region or country.
Recent changelogs for ESET Inspect Server (formerly ESET Enterprise Inspector Server)
Version 2.4.4573.0
- Added: Exceptions to reputation allowing to kill trusted processes
- Improved: New remote terminal
- Improved: Performance
- Fixed: Various bugs
Version 2.4.4545.0
- Added: Exceptions to reputation allowing to kill trusted processes
- Improved: New remote terminal
- Improved: Performance
- Fixed: Various bugs
Version 2.3.4302.0
- Added: Password protected EEI Agent (Released with ESET Inspect On-Prem)
- Added: Ability to Isolate macOS Endpoint from network directly from ESET Inspect
- Improved: Questions View has been renamed to Notifications View, along with several other usability enhancements
- Improved: UI for Incident statuses and filters was improved
- Improved: Download Script option will collect information from available fragments, in case the script was deleted
- Improved: Performance
- Fixed: Various bugs
Version 2.2.4100.0
- Fixed: Various minor bugs
Version 2.2.4056
- ADDED: Kill Process for macOS and Linux (Ubuntu)
- ADDED: Auto update of the Inspect Connector for Windows, macOS and Linux
- ADDED: Windows scheduled tasks are detected as EI event
- ADDED: Windows services tasks are detected as EI event
- IMPROVED: When redirecting from the MDR Dashboard user arrives to a filtered audit log
- IMPROVED: Various minor UI Improvements to increase intuitiveness
- IMPROVED: Various minor Detection Improvements to increase protection
- FIXED: Detections are only displayed for devices connected to ESET PROTECT
- FIXED: Various minor bugfixes
Version 2.1.3779.0
- Added: Incident graph improvements for better investigation
- Added: Extended Rule detail by new values
- Added: Medium severity to incidents created by Incident Creator
- Improved: New Notifications based on Rule module update
- Improved: Performance and Optimization of API calls
- Improved: Enhanced Exclusion editor by new the items
- Fixed: Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Version 2.0.3549.0
- Improved: reliability and performance
- Fixed: various minor bugs fix
Version 2.0.3539.0
- New: Incidents can now be created using rules
- New: Dashboard for Incident management
- New: Automatic and Manual remediation of Incidents
- New: Raw Event transfer through a cloud Blob storage
- New: Language support Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese
- Changed: UI Visuals to reflect the branding changes
- Improved: Flood prevention improvements
- Improved: Rule module - Users can now enable/disable new rules directly from settings independent of server release
- Improved: Users can now use a setting to: Automatically execute remediation actions specified by rules
- Fixed: Various other fixes
Version 1.12.3296
- New: Grouping of detections that are similar and occur at similar time
- New: A clear chart depicting the creator of the incident is added
- Changed: Rule module - Whenever we detect a new threat and create a rule to defend against it, the rule is automatically added to the module
- Changed: Learning mode is turned on by default and Exclusions are automatically enabled
- Improved: Questions view section - Users can accept or reject suggestions using multi-selection
- Improved: Incident graph - Users see the exact layout they've set up every time they access it
- Improved: Performance, reducing memory usage
- Improved: LiveGuard Status, showing a clear progression from "Queued" to "Sent"
Version 1.11.2882.0
- Fixed: Performance issues
- Fixed: Reliability issues
Version 1.11.2872.0
- New: Incident Visualizations
- New: Automated Resolution for Detections
- New: Utilizing SHA Hashes for Script Exclusions
- New: Exclusions Enabled by Default
- Improved: Memory Consumption on Servers
- Improved: Faster Loading of Detections and Incidents Details
- Improved: Faster Rule Execution for Historical Data
- Improved: Table Filtering Improvements
- New: Diagnostics Data Collection
- New: New Detection Rules
Version 1.10.2672.0
- Fixed: Performance and reliability fixes
Version 1.10.2664.0
- Added: Multitenancy support completed (management of access rights per group, synchronization of static group types, and improved blocking of modules)
- New: New signals to indicate ransomware attacks
- New: Simple incident creation based on the SIEM rules
- New: Detection of files delivered through RDP connection's copy & paste
- New: Displayed OS API calls from LiveGuard
- New: MDR Report Template
- New: Dark Mode
- New: ESET LiveGuard information columns in the executables table view
- Fixed: Stability and performance fixes
Version 1.9.2423.0
- Improved: Optimization of memory usage caused by operation's cache in ESET Inspect Connector
- Improved: Option to Submit selected executables to LiveGuard in the "Executables" view
- Fixed: Performance, stability and memory issues
- Fixed: Rules actions operability and exporting issues
Version 1.9.2404.0
- New: Multitenancy for selective Access Rights control and targeting of e.g. Detection Rules per tenant
- New: Integration with LiveGuard Advanced cloud sandbox
- Added: Ability to Report Incident as an action available in the Rules syntax
- Added: Ability for Endpoint Detection types to be matched in the EI Rules (for elevation to Incident)
- Added: Monitoring of selected Win API calls
- Added: Canary files utilization for enhanced detection of Ransomware behaviors
- Improved: Detection of multiple similar network events in a row (previously considered as "duplicates")
- Improved: Signals about potentially suspicious events from Firewall and Network protection layers
- Added: Ability to detect events of writing to and modifying multiple files
- Added: Link between URL connections and dropped files (for improved investigation of Incidents)
- Added: Ability to detect setting file attributes ("SetFileAttribute") on Linux
- Added: Ability to detect and investigate a process deleting its files
- Added: REST API now enables Incident Management capabilities
- Added: REST API now allows searching for Executables and their metadata
- Added: User Logout as a new action
- Added: Submit files to LiveGuard Advanced analysis as a new action
- Added: "Remember this device" for login when using 2FA
- Improved: Database and general performance
- Improved: Executable certificate signature verification method
Version 1.8.2218.0
- Fixed: EI Server crashes
- Fixed: EI Connector crashes when connecting via Remote Terminal
- Fixed: EI Connector crashes when printing errors
- Fixed: Update to v1.8 failing due to lack of disk space
Version 1.8.2214.0
- Fixed: Crashing of EI Server
- Fixed: Memory Leaks
- Fixed: EI Server installation failing
- Fixed: EI Connector not running on Ubuntu 22.04
- Fixed: Rule triggering on Linux
- Fixed: Some Events not being sent to EI Server on Linux
- Improved: Console log-in performance
- Added: Incidents data synchronization with ESET PROTECT for new Incidents dashboard
- Added: Event filtering based on "FileAttribute"
Version 1.8.2211.0
- Changed: Moving of Detection Rules evaluation from the central EI Server to individual endpoints
- Added: ESET MSP Administrator integration
- Improved: Partitioning of Processes table
- Added: Display Purge status overview
- Added: Ability to monitor SYS Files
- Added: Ability to monitor Kernel module load/unload operations on Linux
- Improved: Computer Reboot and Shutdown exposed to Rule engine as response actions
- Changed: Alignment of context menus and toolbars to match ESET PROTECT
- Improved: Ability to go from Process's raw events to Computer's raw events
- New: ISO certification achieved for ESET Inspect Cloud
Version 1.7.1991.0
- Added: Support for EI Agent configuration by installer using policy file
- Added: Hardening of EI Cloud security
- Added: Ability to invoke Product Tour ("Onboarding Wizard") on-demand from Help menu
- Changed: Default filter in Computers view to also show Computers without EI Connector
- Fixed: Issue with some Exclusions not working correctly
- Fixed: Issue of unknown connection ID being received for some events
- Fixed: The "Select rule actions" dialog in Remediation menu not resetting choices correctly
- Fixed: Issue with Computer events process filter losing its value when the page is reloaded
- Fixed: Incorrect heading and Online Help links in the Onboarding Wizard
- Fixed: The "License" link in Help
- Fixed: Incorrect operation type being displayed for some Rule based Detections
- Fixed: The Detection Info filter in Detections view not behaving correctly
- Fixed: Issue with EI Connector for Linux requiring to be restarted after upgrade
- Fixed: "Assignee" filter in Incidents view incorrect behavior
- Fixed: Connectivity issues when used with Proxy
- Fixed: Issue with optional Rules being incorrectly disabled after upgrade
- Fixed: Rules that should not be enabled being enabled unexpectedly
- Fixed: Landing page design for invalid redirects
- Fixed: Sync issue between EPC and EIC related to static groups/computers/metadata/alerts
- Fixed: Performance degradation of event processing in large environments
- Fixed: Inconsistencies between EPC and EIC authorization (user permissions) pop-ups
- Fixed: Issue with ability to download scripts on Linux
- Fixed: Issue with Rerun task not showing results when used on a disabled Rule
Version 1.7.1978.0
- Added: Product renaming
- Added: Linux support - EI Connector available for multiple major Linux distributions
- Added: Ability to add Response/Remediation actions to Detection Rules via graphical interface
- Added: Ability to add "Kill Process" response action to Rules
- Added: Tagging of actions done by ESET Services Representatives
- Added: Removal of inconsistencies between ESET PROTECT and Inspect
- Added: Hint (tooltip) for Trigger Event column
- Added: Onboarding Wizard
- Added: Ability to invoke database purge on demand
- Changed: Terminal (remote PowerShell) limited to 2FA enabled users
- Improved: Response/Remediation menu in Detection Details view
- Improved: Improved Automatic Exclusions UI (Questions view)
- Improved: Unification of visibility for user created objects (Searches, Tasks, Incidents)
- Improved: Visibility of Incident description
Product lifecycle, updates, integrations, and legal information
- End of Life
- Latest versions
- Changelogs
- APIs and integrations
- Detection engine updates
- Legal documents