Dzienniki zmian dla produktów ESET
Na tej stronie wyświetlane są dzienniki zmian i informacje o wydaniu dla najnowszych wersji produktów ESET, wymienione od najnowszej do najwcześniejszej (dostępne tylko w języku angielskim). Kliknij nazwę produktu, aby wyświetlić jego dzienniki zmian. Każdy produkt zawiera ostatnie 20 dzienników zmian. Cykle wydawnicze mogą się różnić w zależności od regionu lub kraju.
Ostatnie dzienniki zmian dla ESET Bridge
- Fixed: Updated the SSL to support legacy versions of the encryption certificates
- Fixed: Crash on Linux in GetSystemLanguage OSUtils method
- Added: Customizable logs directory from ESET PROTECT
- Added: Clear Proxy Cache task in ESET PROTECT
- Added: Linux support for Bridge certificate revocation
- Added: Log-sending capabilities in Watchdog
- Added: Option to automatically set access rights for the custom cache directory in ESET Bridge Policy
- Improved: Upgrade Nginx to the latest version
- Fixed: ESET Bridge Watchdog stops when ESET Bridge is restarted
- Fixed: The absolute path should be accepted when the Custom cache path is changed
- Fixed: Offline repository can't be accessed through Bridge proxy in case the "Use direct connection" fallback is disabled
- Added: Virtual appliance based on Rocky Linux 9.3 to the supported Linux distributions
- Added: Crashdumps directory is removed during upgrade
- Added: Custom cache path setting are not applied-- if assigned together with other custom settings
- Added: Auto-Updates Functionality
- Added: Custom DNS Configuration
- Added: Support for keeping pkgid user settings at product upgrade
- Added: Support for using V&PM with ESET Bridge by default
- Improved: Custom proxy cache directory with correct permissions set by default
- Improved: Support for Bridge usage without compatible PROTECT
- Improved: Certificate Functionality
- Improved: Expired Certificate
- Improved: Proxy Chaining
- Improved: Stability Improvements
- Added: Brand Unification
- Added: Support for proxy chaining with caching capabilities
- Added: Replacement of Apache HTTP Proxy by ESET Bridge while ESET PROTECT upgrade via All-in-one installer
- Added: Deployment on the Linux Virtual Appliance
- Added: Offline repository functionality
- Improved: Extended configuration possibilities
- Fixed: Apache HTTP Proxy can't be uninstalled with ESET PROTECT All-in-one installer
- Fixed: ESET Bridge is not starting after installation when the Ethernet adapter is disabled
- Fixed: Passwords defined via policy visible in the Bridge logs
- Fixed: Authentication not being enforced properly for communication
- Fixed: Changing default proxy port
- Fixed: RedHat 8 update using .bin file failed
- Added: Ability to deploy installation package. (Supported Server OS - WIN/LINUX, Supported Client OS - WIN/LINUX)
- Added: The basic configuration of the endpoint (Supported Server OS - WIN/LINUX, Supported Client OS - WIN/LINUX)
- Added: Integration within the ESET PROTECT which will allow users to allow policies and perform basic configuration. (Supported Server OS - WIN/LINUX, Supported Client OS - WIN/LINUX)
- Added: Ability to deploy static certificates through ESET PROTECT. (Supported Server OS - WIN, Supported Client OS - WIN)
- Added: Ability to catch HTTPS between ESET Products. (Supported Server OS - WIN, Supported Client OS - WIN)
- Added: Crash Dump functionality into the product. (Supported Server OS - WIN/LINUX, Supported Client OS - N/A)
- Added: Watchdog functionality in the product. (Supported Server OS - WIN/LINUX, Supported Client OS - N/A)
Cykl życia produktu, aktualizacje, integracje i informacje prawne
- Koniec żywotności
- Najnowsze wersje
- Dziennik zmian
- Interfejsy API i integracje
- Aktualizacje silnika detekcji
- Dokumenty prawne