Журнали змін для продуктів ESET
На цій сторінці відображаються журнали змін і примітки про випуск останніх версій продуктів ESET, перелічених від найновішої до найстарішої (доступно лише англійською мовою). Щоб переглянути журнали змін певного продукту, клацніть його назву. Для кожного продукту відображаються 20 останніх журналів змін. Цикли випуску можуть відрізнятися залежно від країни або регіону.
Нещодавні журнали змін для ESET Endpoint Security for Windows
Version 12.0.2049.0
- Fixed: In some specific cases failing upgrade to version 12.0
- Fixed: Incorrect serial number of USB stick detected
- Fixed: Scheduled tasks cannot be enabled or disabled from the GUI during Override Mode
- Fixed: Localization of Subscription license expiration date into Japanese language
Version 12.0.2045.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-11859 (record reservation, responsible disclosure policy)
- Fixed: Ransomware Remediation folder exclusions require manual post-editing for every single entry to be functional - an asterisk needs to be appended
- Fixed: Pause until restart function of HIPS settings in Setup
- Fixed: Important warning occurred is displayed while scanning an empty disk drive
- Fixed: LiveGrid User consent settings not properly set by initial setup wizard after Hard upgrade
- Fixed: Not all files removed properly during uninstallation
- Fixed: Ransomware Remediation settings not shown in ESET PROTECT requested client configuration
- Fixed: Incomplete data about update shown in Update section in user interface
- Fixed: On-demand scan Client task not executed properly
- Improved: Newer native Windows File manager window used for the "Browse" button in Ransomware Remediation setting
- Improved: ESET PROTECT task status added to debug logs for support purposes
Version 12.0.2038.0
- New: Ransomware Remediation - backup and recovery of files modified by a ransomware
- New: Exclusions from network isolation
- New: Automatic upgrading of product after End of Life of product version
- New: Advanced setup structure improvements
- New: Automatic patching for applications without known vulnerability
- New: Automatic patching based on vulnerability risk or CVSS base score
- New: Support for Vulnerability patching logging and reports in ESET PROTECT
- New: Support for vulnerability scan reports in ESET PROTECT
- New: Windows Group policy firewall rules being evaluated
- New: Added application Exclusions from suppressing notifications during Presentation mode
- Improved: Search in advanced setup, search and highlighting of matching items
- Improved: Outlook mail plugin improvements and various issues fixed
Version 11.1.2053.2
- Fixed: Product kernel can be forced to reinitialize if Device control module detects a non-standard removable USB storage
- Fixed: Patch not applied if Vulnerability and Patch Management not able to perform integrity check of patch file
- Fixed: Incorrect vendor name of Disk Storage in Device control while using Populate function
- Fixed: Delay in opening larger email attachments in non-cached Outlook Exchange account
- Improved: Added distinguishing application status for Servicing update and New version available
Version 11.1.2052.0
- Fixed: Temporary Microsoft Outlook email client freezing in specific scenarios
- Fixed: Duplicated emails in 'Detected items' folder on shared cached Exchange accounts
- Fixed: Firewall - application of 'Learning mode end time' settings from policy
- Fixed: Firewall - application icons in the rule list and editor
- Fixed: Device Control - visibility of first column in populate Detected devices dialog
- Fixed: Activation via ESET Business Account when endpoint is set up in Arabic (Egypt) language
- Fixed: Secure Browser - checking of browser signature
- Fixed: Setup of the local 'Contact email' setting overridden by policy
- Fixed: Time range validator for Time slots in Advanced setup
- Fixed: Locking of 'Enable firewall' action based on the firewall policy
- Fixed: End-of-life - displaying of OS outdated application status
- Added: Advanced Logging - shield icon before 'Disable Advanced logging' action in the application message
Version 11.1.2039.2
- New: Support for On-demand Vulnerability scan for Vulnerability and Patch Management
- New: Vulnerability and Patch Management scheduler advanced options to enforce patching of missing patches automatically
- New: Vulnerability and Patch Management logging capability both locally and reporting to ESET Protect console
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-3779 [expected CVSS 6.1] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Persistent AMSI registration
- Improved: Override mode not asking for Advanced setup password when enabling
- Improved: Possibility to set weather locally changed settings during Override mode are reverted after ending it
- Improved: Start/End of Override mode possibilities added to Setup page and tray icon context menu
- Improved: Device control distinguishes between camera and scanner by icon in Populate devices
Version 11.0.2044.0
- Fixed: Occasional freeze of Operating system caused by Real-time File System Protection
- Fixed: Device control rules applied incorrectly for devices having non-standard characters in Serial number
- Fixed: EGUI interfering with Codegate's SAFE Panic button application
- Fixed: Real-time file system protection module blocks access to office files created by Linux/Mac applications on network drive
- Fixed: Filtering mode of Firewall set incorrectly to Interactive mode while importing XML configuration during installation
- Fixed: Export of Performance exclusions list contains exclusions set by policy, even when the list is filtered to show only locally created exclusions
- Fixed: Reactivation of previously deactivated Endpoint license
Version 11.0.2032.0
- New: In-product support state informing according to the End of Life policy
- New: Automatic OS patching for Vulnerability & Patch management
- New: Storage allocation check for Vulnerability & Patch management
- New: Check for Azure code signing compatibility of Operating system during installation
- Removed: Secure Browser Websites redirection, replaced by Secure all browsers protection
- Fixed: User interface occasionally not available after start
- Fixed: Wifi related activators in network profile switching
- Fixed: Services\efwd\ImagePath registry entries not bound by quotation marks
- Improved: Configuration export protected by admin rights needed
- Improved: Deletion of any log is recorded in Audit log
- Improved: Alternative identification of USB device by Device control not providing serial number
Version 10.1.2065.0
- Fixed: Residual files with zero size on volumes with FAT file system after cleaning operation
- Fixed: Services\efwd\ImagePath registry entries not bound by quotation marks
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-3779 [CVSS 6.1] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Fixed detection of available Windows updates on Windows10 RS4 and older
- Fixed: Fixed possible Windows freeze during file scanning
- Improved: On-demand: Added support for Azure File Sync
Version 10.1.2063.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [expected CVSS 7.8] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Occasional slowdown or corruption of file transferred via network
- Fixed: Slow start of GUI when Application patches pending in Vulnerability & Patch Management
- Fixed: Missing some information in Firewall rule created automatically via Interactive mode
Version 10.1.2058.0
- Fixed: Specific VB macro based malware not detected in docx documents
- Fixed: GUI crash when navigating to Network connections list
- Fixed: Operating system freezes caused by Endpoint Security product having unavailable network path excluded
- Fixed: Vulnerability & Patch Management feature not available after Auto-update
- Fixed: Check for Azure code signing compatibility of Operating system during installation
- Improved: Extended possible columns in Firewall rule list
Version 10.1.2050.0
- Fixed: ESET Service process crashing while using LTE modems
- Fixed: Unable to activate ESET Endpoint using MSP credentials
- Fixed: Application modification alert not displayed
- Fixed: Default Firewall rules have different values in 10.1 compared to 10.0
- Fixed: Activation retention on cloned Virtual machines
- Fixed: Countdown of Close applications notification to apply the patch
- Fixed: Device restart after applying of patch behavior
- Improved: Added more optional columns to firewall rule list
Version 10.1.2046.0
- New: Vulnerability & Patch Management
- New: Firewall redesign and unification across platforms
- New: ESET PROTECT HUB support
- New: Support for forced check of product auto-upgrades via ESET PROTECT console
- New: Sending documents by default after enabling of ESET LiveGuard Advanced
- New: Support for SHA-256 file hash
- New: Features rework - configuration structure and dependency of features
- Fixed: Incorrect action available for HIPS sub-features
- Fixed: ESET Inspect offline license file activation
- Fixed: Format mismatch of imported data from CSV into URL address list in Web control
- Fixed: Behavior of 'Do not remind me again' link in ESET Push notification service not available application status
Version 10.0.2052.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [expected CVSS 7.8] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Occasional slowdown or corruption of file transferred via network
Version 10.0.2049.0
- Fixed: Detection in Removable media when Media to scan set to Removable media only
- Fixed: Missing Restart required Interactive Alert after upgrade from older version
- Fixed: Check for Azure code signing compatibility of Operating system during installation
- Fixed: Error when submitting file to LiveGrid
- Improved: Prevent duplicate scans to be executed at the same time
Version 10.0.2045.0
- Fixed: Product reports incorrect version number when manual installation is executed and Auto-update is pending
- Fixed: Device Control not blocking particular disk storage model from Western Digital®
- Fixed: Offline license file product activation in specific scenarios
- Fixed: Missing configuration section of Document protection after otherwise successful Auto-update
- Fixed: Attaching data to Technical support report from SysInspector
- Fixed: Updating modules from Removable media storage
- Fixed: Minor typos and localization fixes
- Fixed: Incorrect order of attachments scanning if message contains related attachments
- Improved: Miscellaneous fixes in Graphical user interface after redesign
- Improved: Stability and compatibility of Email client protection for MS Outlook
Version 10.0.2034.0
- Changed: OS compatibility level for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 in installer
- New: Redesigned user interface with refreshed look and Dark mode added
- New: Intel® Threat Detection Technology detection capability added
- New: Secure All Browser feature, extension of Secure browser protecting all browsing instances
- New: Support for encrypted communication caching by ESET Bridge, new proxy solution
- Improved: Added possibility to use wildcards in Model, Vendor and Serial number fields for Device control rules
- Fixed: Restart notification having extreme timeout value
- Fixed: Email client integration not working after waking up from sleep
- Fixed: Conflicts with Mimecast, gpg4win, GpgOL and Kleopatra Outlook add-ins
Version 9.1.2071.0
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2024-0353 [expected CVSS 7.8] - reported externally under responsible disclosure policy
- Fixed: Occasional slowdown or corruption of file transferred via network
Version 9.1.2066.0
- Fixed: Missing Restart required Interactive Alert after upgrade from older version
- Fixed: Check for Azure code signing compatibility of Operating system during installation
Version 9.1.2063.0
- FIXED: Reboot notification showing up earlier than set by snooze time.
- FIXED: Email client protection not operational after computer waking up from sleep.
- FIXED: Missing configuration section of Document protection after otherwise successful Auto-update.
- IMPROVED: Protected antimalware service will not time out any longer during boot when Windows updates keep the file-system busy.
- IMPROVED: Installation continues with warning when ProgramData folder is not empty.
- IMPROVED: Improve stability and compatibility of Email client protection for MS Outlook 3rd party plugins.
Version 9.1.2060.0
- Fixed: Restart notification having extreme timeout value
- Fixed: Conflicts with Mimecast, gpg4win, GpgOL and Kleopatra Outlook add-ins
- Fixed: Conflicts with Document management add-in and crashes in Outlook 2010
- Improved: Improve Outlook startup with many email accounts
Version 9.1.2057.0
- Fixed: Eamsi.dll reported as untrusted to Windows Notification center in Win11 with Smart Application Control (SAC) enabled
- Fixed: Eamsi.dll is not loaded to process while AMSI Featurebits=2
- Fixed: Updates from mirror and folder nonfunctional
- Fixed: OpenVPN version 2.5 compatibility
- Fixed: Restart required interactive alert is not displayed after upgrade
- Fixed: Incorrect username in the on demand scan log
- Fixed: Deadlock in product causes reading of proxy password leads to OS freeze
- Fixed: Toolbar/menu buttons not working in Outlook 2007
- Fixed: Application stops reporting antispam user address list scans
- Fixed: Sent emails are stuck in Outbox
- Fixed: Problems with Junk folder scanning on shared mailboxes
- Fixed: SysInspector2 - RTL languages displayed in ENU
- Fixed: SysInspector2 added translated strings, mainly Arabic and Hebrew
- Improved: SysInspector2 tooltip showing incomplete strings
Version 9.1.2051.0
- New: Minimal installer for deployment with newest modules.
- New: Endpoint restart/reboot improvements for managed networks.
- New: Complete technical revision of email client protection module.
- New: Auto-remediation of product states.
- New: New concept of product End User License Agreement (EULA) updates.
- New: ESET SysInspector 2: Redesign and refactoring.
- New: Auto-update state reporting to console.
- New: Improved communication of pending product updates.
- Fixed: Printing task stays in printing queue when printer is blocked by Device control.
- Fixed: Host-based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) rule application.
- Fixed: Missing Change month button in Watch activity under Tools.
- Fixed: HIPS rules created for selected folders needed to be manually extended to apply to all files.
- Fixed: Disabled editing of Scheduler task in Audit log view mode.
- Improved: Secure browser frame indicator visualization in Windows 11.
- Improved: Uninstallation reason feedback page removed from installer.
Version 9.0.2050.0
- Fixed: Incorrect state of Network attack protection (IDS) reported after upgrade with certain configuration
- Fixed: Eamsi.dll reported as un-trusted to Windows Notification center in Windows 11 with Smart Application Control (SAC) enabled
- Fixed: Eamsi.dll is not loaded to PowerShell process while AMSI Featurebits=2
- Fixed: Events not saved to Windows Event log
- Fixed: Compatibility of Firewall for OpenVPN virtual network adapter
- Fixed: Un-installation procedure of product with corrupted registry entries when installed from URL
- Fixed: Format of XML configuration exported from older products preventing import into newer products
- Fixed: Inconsistency in power action visible Action after scan and action actually performed
- Fixed: Incorrect username of user starting scan written into Scan log
- Fixed: Restart required is displayed instead of Restart recommended application status after Auto-update in certain situation
- Improved: Hardening countermeasures in required guidelines for boot-start drivers and protected processes
- Improved: License credentials used for authentication at official ESET update servers when set manually
- Improved: Installation continues with warning when ProgramData folder is not empty
- Improved: Count of threads used for scanning
Version 9.0.2046.0
- Fixed: EDTD operation after upgrade
- Fixed: Web control log not created until OS is rebooted after deployment
- Fixed: ESET control elements missing in the Windows context menu opened from 32-bit app
- Improved: Upgrade and uninstallation problems caused by external registry entries corruption
- Improved: Added ability to configure for application status "Eset Push Notification Service server cannot be reached"
- Fixed: HIPS rule application
- Fixed: Incorrect application status of "AMSI integration failed" shown upon changing setting "Enable advanced scanning of browser scripts"
- Fixed: Scheduled scan is incorrectly reported as not running if previous occurrence is still running
- Fixed: Restart required application status when same version of Endpoint deployed twice remotely
- Fixed: CVE-2022-27167
- Fixed: UEFI detection while On-Demand scan executed remotely from Detections list in Protect console
- Fixed: Coexistence with Sentinel ONE solution
Version 9.0.2032.6
- Fixed: Security vulnerability CVE-2021-37852 [CVSS 7.8] - reported externally
- New: Auto-update - automatic updates of product to latest version, by default turned ON
- New: Unilaterally changeable EULA, only in-product noification for further revisions
- New: Brute-force attack protection against password guessing for RDP nad SMB services
- New: Official Windows on ARM support
- Improved: Added "Forced device scan" action for removable media insertion to prevent users from interrupting scan
- Improved: Increased maximum file size to be scanned to 1TB
- Improved: Added Secure Browser not fully functional message to indicate reboot required after turning feature On
- Fixed: Activation with offline license file from remote management console failed
- Fixed: Events not written into Windows event log
- Fixed: Duplicate scheduled scans executed after delayed activation
- Localization: Improved grammar in Hungarian language after feedback from distributor
- Localization: Improved translation of Advanced logging and Module update in Japanese language
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