Журнали змін для продуктів ESET
На цій сторінці відображаються журнали змін і примітки про випуск останніх версій продуктів ESET, перелічених від найновішої до найстарішої (доступно лише англійською мовою). Щоб переглянути журнали змін певного продукту, клацніть його назву. Для кожного продукту відображаються 20 останніх журналів змін. Цикли випуску можуть відрізнятися залежно від країни або регіону.
Нещодавні журнали змін для ESET Endpoint Antivirus for macOS
- Added: Integration with ESET LiveGuard Advanced
Version 7.4.1500.0
- Fixed: The product sometimes losing FDA after OS restart
- Fixed: PCU update by OS restart no longer breaks the product
- Fixed: Web access protection issues after upgrade from version 6
Version 7.4.1100.0
- New: Support for macOS Sonoma
- New: Branding visuals
- New: Status message for “onboarding not finished”
- Fixed: 3rd party application WeChat now works correctly when installed together with our product
- Fixed: Web Access Protection port settings are now reflected immediately
- Fixed: Advanced setup: manually set up credentials for proxy server are now saved
- Fixed: MacOS Catalina no longer requires reboot when upgrading for Full Disk Access to work
- Fixed: Users can now restore files via the command line
- Fixed: Upgrade from v6 to v7 no longer causes a duplicate entry in ESET Business Account
- Various other small improvements and fixes
Version 7.3.3600.0
- New: Ability to see Computer Scan log after successful on-demand scan in GUI
- New: Ability to see Logs and Quarantine in Tools section in GUI
- New: Ability to see main features in Protections section in GUI
- New: Onboarding wizard when installing ESET for the first time
- New: Advanced preferences
- New: Unresolved action dialog for computer scan
- New: Submit sample to ESET for analyzes
- Improved: Protection Status in GUI was renamed to Overview
- Improved: Acceptance of new EULA is not required for Automatic updates
- Fixed: Time machine backup problem
- Fixed: Real-time file protection behavior during macOS backup or applications upgrade from AppStore
- Other minor improvements affecting performance, security, stability, and usability
Version 7.2.1600.0
- Added: macOS Ventura support
- New: Ability to check and update application from GUI
- New: Automatic update support
- New: Configuration and license are automatically migrated when upgrading from version 6 to version 7
- Improved: Compatibility with 3rd party VPNs
- Improved: About section in GUI was renamed to Help and Support and reworked
- Improved: Font size in GUI is more macOS like
- Improved: The Product doesn't require a reboot of a system when migrating from version 6
- Removed: Support for ESET Shared Local Cache
- Other minor improvements affecting performance, security, stability, and usability
- Important: Upgrade process to macOS Ventura might not transfer Full Disk Access approval for "ESET Real-time File System Protection" System Extension. Please see following KB for more information and guide how to solve the issue: https://support.eset.com/kb8339
Version 7.1.1700.0
- New: Native support for Apple Silicon (ARM architecture)
- New: Refreshed Application icon
- New: Added information about available macOS update to protection statuses
- New: Desktop notification for Removable media access
- Improved: Handling of system notifications in case of many detections
- Improved: Performance of scanning when evaluating performance exclusions
- Improved: Performance of scanning when cleaning large number of infections
- Improved: Memory resource management when detecting large number of infections
- Improved: Scanning of Email files present in Threatsense parameters is enabled by default
- Fixed: Application shows alert about Web and Email protection even though it is disabled via PROTECT policy
- Other minor improvements affecting performance, security, stability and usability
Version 7.0.7300.0
- New: Completely rewritten product
- Improved: Completely new distributed architecture, similar to micro-services
- Native 64-bit architecture
- Higher performance – offloading unused modules, more effective code, improved multithreading
- Better Security – whenever possible, processes are running under non-privileged accounts. Crashing or hijacking one product process will not disable all protections.
- More Stability – simpler components, auto-restart in case of a crash - Improved: Real-time file system protection
- Latest native 64bit scanning engine
- Optimized for multi-core performance
- Real-time scanning under local user - Improved: On-demand scanning
- Via GUI or command line
- Via ESET management console
- Local scan scheduler - Improved: Web & email protection
- Web Access Protection
- Email client protection
- Anti-Phishing protection - Improved: Brand new native Graphical user interface, including
- Dark mode support
- Native desktop notifications
- Ability to disable GUI for end-user
- Configuration of protection statuses
- Some features requires ESET management console - Improved: Automatic scan when inserting removable media
- Improved: Support for performance and all detection exclusions (by Path, by Path & Detection, by Hash)
- Improved: Extended configuration of ESET LiveGrid
- Improved: CLI commands same as on Linux platform
- Improved: Multi-language installation - automatic localization according to system language with system native language change
- Changed: ESET Enterprise Inspector 1.7+ support
- Changed: Compatible with ESET Security Management Center v7.2 and above and ESET PROTECT Cloud
- LiveInstaller support in ESET PROTECT Cloud
- Unified configuration options in ESET PROTECT - Changed: Activation via License key or via ESET management console
- Changed: Management console is required as product GUI doesn't include all capabilities, especially product settings
- Removed: Some features are not yet available in the new generation. For detailed comparison, please see https://help.eset.com/eea_mac/7/en-US/
- Many other both user-facing and under-the-hood improvements
Життєвий цикл продукту, оновлення, інтеграції і юридична інформація
- View desktop site
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- Останні версії
- Журнал змін
- API і інтеграції
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- Юридичні документи