Ändringsloggar för ESET-produkter
På den här sidan visas ändringsloggar och versionsinformation för de senaste ESET-produktversionerna. Dessa visas från senaste till tidigaste (endast tillgängliga på engelska). Klicka på ett produktnamn för att visa ändringsloggarna för den produkten. De senaste 20 ändringsloggarna finns inkluderade för varje produkt. Lanseringscyklerna kan variera beroende på region eller land.
Senaste ändringsloggar för ESET SysInspector
- Improved: New user interface
- Added: Tree view of running processes, network connections and important registry entries
- Added: History of recent logs
- Added: Preserving user layout preferences
- Added: Command line for running processes
- Added: Dark mode
- Added: File association for log files
- Updated: Modules with the latest improvements
- Removed: Service Script functionality
- Removed: Compare Logs functionality
- Added: Dumping of WMI scripts
- Fixed: Various localization, documentation and functional bugs
- Changed: Updated End User License Agreement
- Improved: Copying to clipboard
- Fixed: Various localization and functional bugs
- Changed: Updated End User License Agreement
- Fixed: Various localization bugs
- Added: Online Help
- Added: Localization improvements
- Changed: SysInspector module 1269 (systemstatus) included in build
- Fixed: New installer certificate (SHA256) for Windows 10 support
- Fixed: Minor bugs and improvements
Version 1.2.054
- Changed: New SysInspector & Anti-Stealth module
- Fixed: Other minor bugfixes & improvements
Version 1.2.049
- Changed: New SysInspector & Anti-Stealth module
- Fixed: Other minor bugfixes & improvements
Version 1.2.042
- Changed: New SysInspector & Anti-Stealth module
- Fixed: Other minor bugfixes & improvements
Version 1.2.034
- Added: Support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
- Added: ESET LiveGrid support (ESET Cloud)
- Changed: New registry locations being scanned and reported
- Changed: New graphical theme and visual improvements
- Changed: History handling/display improvement
- Fixed: Stability improvements
- Fixed: Better evaluation logic (self-signed certificates)
- Fixed: New AntiStealth module and driver interoperability
- Fixed: Proper log file access protection during view
Produktlivscykel, uppdateringar, integrationer och juridisk information
- View desktop site
- Slutet på livslängden
- Senaste versioner
- Ändringslogg
- API:er och integrationer
- Uppdateringar av detekteringsmotorn
- Juridiska dokument