Ändringsloggar för ESET-produkter
På den här sidan visas ändringsloggar och versionsinformation för de senaste ESET-produktversionerna. Dessa visas från senaste till tidigaste (endast tillgängliga på engelska). Klicka på ett produktnamn för att visa ändringsloggarna för den produkten. De senaste 20 ändringsloggarna finns inkluderade för varje produkt. Lanseringscyklerna kan variera beroende på region eller land.
Senaste ändringsloggar för ESET Internet Security
- New: ESET Folder Guard (Available for ESET Smart Security Premium, ESET Security Ultimate, ESET Small Business Security)
- New: Added Catalan language
- New: Improved accessibility (added high contrast mode, adding better support in product during installation)
- New: Drag and drop of tiles on overview pane
- Updated: Onboarding wizard
- Bug fixing and other improvements
- New: Added Catalan language
- New: Improved accessibility (added high contrast mode, adding better support in product during installation)
- New: Drag and drop of tiles on overview pane
- Updated: Onboarding wizard
- Bug fixing and other improvements
- Fixed: Outlook issues
- Fixed: Safe Banking & Browsing button not clickable
- Updated: Terms Of Use wording in alert and overlay windows
- Fixed: Expired license state not indicated on Overview page
- New: Added Brave support For Browser Privacy & Security, Safe Banking & Browsing
- Improved: Gamer mode improvements
- App can be excluded from gamer mode
- User is informed about blocked connection after ending of gamer mode
- Possibility to display notifications / alert windows even during gamer mode - Improved: Info tooltips added in advanced setup for disabling of features
- Fixed: CVE-2024-3779
- Bugfixing and other improvements
- Fixed: Issue when windows updates are not shown on Windows RS4 and older
- Fixed: Issue when product did not change automatically after license upgrade and corresponding campaign
- Other changes and improvements
- Updated: Safe Banking & Browsing change
- Added: Allowlist for files not loaded during browser start up
- Added: Option to disable also yellow frames / badges in secured browser - Updated: Network Inspector -small changes
- Updated: Documents moved under LiveGuard and enabled by default
- New: Multithread scanning
- Other changes and improvements
- New: product line ESET Security Ultimate
- New: Browser Privacy & Security extension (EIS, ESSP, ESU)
- New: logotypes, splash screens
- Updated: Banking and payment protection renamed to Safe Banking & Browsing
- Updated: Support for subscription
- Other improvements and bugfixes
- New: Browser Privacy & Security extension
- New: Logotypes, splash screens
- Updated: Banking and payment protection renamed to Safe Banking & Browsing
- Updated: Support for subscription
- Other improvements and bugfixes
- New: Redesigned advanced setup Web and email section (new Protections section created)
- New: Redesigned firewall
- New: Onboarding wizard
- Bugfixing and other improvements
- Updated: License expiration wording
- New: Uninstall survey
- New: Redesigned advanced setup Web and email section (new Protections section created)
- New: Redesigned firewall
- New: Onboarding wizard
- Bugfixing and other improvements
- Updated: License expiration wording
- New: Uninstall survey
- New: GUI: Added Live Tiles on Overview page
- Features state indicated inside of tiles on Overview page
- Added progress animation inside of the tiles - New: GUI: Added new Light / Dark mode switch to GUI
- New: GUI: More tools submenu merged with Tools
- Improved: BPP Green frame in browser handling
- Advanced setup setting hides badge and green frame completely
- Closing of badge by "X" leads to closing of the frame as well - Improved: BPP - Browser started from desktop icon or product will run in isolated mode - unified behavior between redirection and Secure All Browsers
- Improved: Additional network details displayed under Network adapters in GUI
- Improved: SysRescue removed from GUI
- Improved accessibility
- Fixed: Customization logo incorrectly displayed
- Fixed: GUI crashes
- Fixed: Various issues and crashes with email clients and 3rd party plugins
- Fixed: Issues with gamer block not allowing opening of Secured Window
- Fixed: Issue when it was not possible to categorize emails after waking up of device
- Updated: Not displaying application status if Outlook plugin integration is disabled
- Fixed: Issues when empty Setup pages was opened for some cases
- Fixed: Issue where GUI did not had focus after opening from tray
- Fixed: Issues where ESI logs export was not working
- Fixed: Localization issues HEB
- Fixed: Anti-Theft issue when test data is not sent to the server
- New: Intel's Threat Detection Technology support on supported processors
- New: Dark mode support
- Improved: Refreshed GUI
- Improved: Advanced setup graphical refreshment
- Improved: Secure Data supporting dark mode + added support for ExFat format USB drives
- Improved: Banking and payment protection Secure all browsers mode enabled by default
- Other improvements:
- New ESET Home product page
- Updated Secure Data product page
- Suspended licenses communicated in product
- Information displayed for W7, W8, W8.1 users that they are running on old OS
- Email plugins: Windows live mail, windows mail, Outlook express – email client plugin currently not supported - Bugfixing
- Improved: Reworked email plugins
- New: Anti-Theft optimization page in product
- New: Network Inspector: possibility to categorize own networks as “My network”
- Improved: Installer
- Improved: EULA and Privacy Policy placed on configuration page
- Improved: New Banners
- Improved: Removed map from Security report
- Improved: More clear logging errors during ESET HOME association
- Bugfixing and other improvements
- Improved: Reworked email plugins
- New: Anti-Theft optimization page in product
- New: Network Inspector: possibility to categorize own networks as “My network”
- Improved: Installer
- Improved: EULA and Privacy Policy placed on configuration page
- Improved: New Banners
- Improved: Removed map from Security report
- Improved: More clear logging errors during ESET HOME association
- Bugfixing and other improvements
- New: Brute Force attack protection settings added
- New: Banking and payment protection: added option to hide frame and in browser notification
- New: banking and payment protection: autohide of frame and in-browser notification in full screen mode
- New: reorganized advanced setup
- New: Installer: redesigned configuration screen with accept all button
- Updated: Network Inspector: small UI changes
- Updated: Silent uninstall not possible without set password
- Updated: Moved network watch activity under network protection + removed Watch activity from tools
- Removed: repair option
- Fixed: CVE-2022-27167
- Bug fixing and other small improvements
- Fixed: Wrongly displayed red AMSI application notification
- Bug-fixing
- Fixed: Removed repair option from msi packages
- Fixed: ESET context menu not correctly displayed in 32bit apps
- Updated: LiveGuard renamed to ESET LiveGuard
- Added: Support for OS SHA256 support switch
- Improved: Optimized communication with ESET backend servers
- Fixed: Issue when firewall interactive mode creates duplicate rules
- Fixed: Issue when interactive firewall dialogs are not displayed
- Other minor fixes (e.g. privacy policy link)
Produktlivscykel, uppdateringar, integrationer och juridisk information
- View desktop site
- Slutet på livslängden
- Senaste versioner
- Ändringslogg
- API:er och integrationer
- Uppdateringar av detekteringsmotorn
- Juridiska dokument