Jurnale de schimbări pentru produsele ESET
Această pagină afișează jurnalele de modificări și notele de lansare pentru cele mai recente versiuni de produse ESET, listate de la cea mai recentă până la cea mai veche (disponibilă numai în limba engleză). Faceți clic pe numele unui produs pentru a vizualiza jurnalele de modificări. Fiecare produs include ultimele 20 de jurnale de modificări. Ciclurile de lansare pot varia în funcție de regiune sau țară.
Jurnale de schimbări recente pentru ESET Endpoint Encryption Server
- Fixed: A problem with Self Enrolment failing to automatically activate the user
- Fixed: A problem with the service not starting consistently after install
- Fixed: A problem where an error would occur when viewing a force change password event
- Fixed: A problem where a failed force key-file password change command would generate wrong error event
- Fixed: A problem where an "unable to decode JSON data" error would appear when starting FDE
- Fixed: A problem with the create an encryption key user interface, two keys might be created unexpectedly
- New: Support for generating and deploying AES256 keys. EEE Client v5.3 or newer required for AES256 support
- New: EULA is now available in standalone installer
- Changed: Email templates have been updated to improve language support
- Fixed: A problem where some registry values could be written incorrectly. This could result in the service crashing when reading the value
- Removed: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012 and Server 2012 R2 are no longer supported
- Removed: Changelog and Readme are no longer in the product. Changelog is available on the download page
- New: All-in-one installer will now install PHP 8.2.11
- New: Report for FDE logins on workstations
- Improved: Reports now improved run in background
- Improved: Rebranded install and login page
- Changed: Product versioning aligned with ESET versioning rules
- Fixed: Resolves some install problems all-in-one and missing SQL password
- Fixed: Issue uploading SSL certificates
- New: All-in-one installer will now install PHP 8.2.5 and Apache 2.4.55
- New: New version will rewrite Apache SSL file for improved security
- Improved: Prevented migrating licenses whilst a license resync is still occurring
- Improved: Added support to send updated policy to workstations as a task
- Improved: Translation format is improved which should yield better quality messages in all languages
- Improved: Added some missing translations
- Improved: New status message in FDE wizard will block if target workstation does not have correct UEFI certificates
- Fixed: Creating removable media encryption policy PDF report could fail in some situations
- Removed: Blocked usage on Internet Explorer
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows 7
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows 8
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows 8.1
- Removed: Support of Microsoft Windows Server 2008R2
- Fixed: Legacy server could not correctly connect to the database resulting in certain licensing related errors
- Fixed: Using PHP 8 produced some warnings and errors which prevented the console from loading
- Improved: All in one install process handles some SQL installation errors better
- Improved: The All In One (AIO) installer now uses SQL 2019 for fresh and upgraded Encryption Server installations
- Improved: EEE Servers that were not installed using the AIO installer can connect to SQL 2019
- Improved: Improved handling of large numbers for workstations and users
- Improved: Various localisation improvements
- Improved: HTTPS is enabled by default on fresh installations
- Fixed: OpenSSL now upgrades when using the AIO installer
- Fixed: Problem where the FDE recovery menu was shown when the user did not have the correct permission set
- Fixed: Problem where activation codes would not be copied to the clipboard on Chrome and Edge browsers
- Important: After upgrading with the AIO installer some file locations may have changed. More details support.eset.com/kb8350
- Important: Server 2008 no longer supported (Server 2008 R2+ continues to be supported)
- Added: Added new workstation filter UX
- Improved: Updated versions of OpenSSL to version 1.1.1n
- Improved: Added workstation client version column
- Fixed: Problems managing user following attempts to deactivate and then re-activate them
- Fixed: Problem uploading expired macOS packages to server
- Fixed: Failed migration of users between licences, who had special characters in their email address
- Fixed: Logout problem which could occur when switching between organisations
- Improved: Various localisation improvements
- Improved: Updated versions of OpenSSL and libCurl to latest versions to resolve potential internet access problems
- Improved: Better reporting of client OS in console
- Fixed: Crash caused by re-activation of existing workstation
- Fixed: Enabling SSL with Apache 2.2
- Fixed: Reverted change in previous version where downloaded files were stripped of certain characters resulting in mangled filenames
- Fixed: Undefined appearing in downloaded installs where language should have been specified
- Fixed: Problem running application on Windows 7 (or Server 2008R2)
- Added: Support for Endpoint Encryption for macOS
- Fixed: Potentially could not sync with AD group if there were more than 500 security groups in total
- Fixed: Some custom email templates were ignored when sending mails
- Fixed: Use correct user permissions for access to control panel
- Fixed: Problem downloading recovery file
- Fixed: PHP error "Creating default object from empty value" emitted to logs occasionally
- Fixed: Removed reliance on PHP mbstring extension which may not always be available
Version 3.2.3
- Removed legacy recovery ISO from install
- Added: Added back switch organisation button for multi-tenant installations
- Improved: Active Directory sync algorithm change to improve performance
- Improved: In control panel you can no longer lock out your own login
- Improved: PHP memory usage when running reports with very large numbers of workstations or users. This could results in reports failing unless PHP memory was increased above 128M.
- Improved: Help link should now redirect to the correct page rather than the default landing help page
- Fixed: Crash issue with server service when receiving malformed input
- Fixed: Can now change the implicit login role of a console login
- Fixed: Unused licence can now be removed from one organisation even when it is still being used by a different organisation
- Fixed: Various localisation improvements
- Fixed: Problem in preinstall detecting Apache installations
- Fixed: Problem when redirecting HTTP to HTTPS
- Fixed: Issue preventing upgrade of existing installations using http port other than the default (80)
- Added: Support for installing with Apache 2.4
- Improved: Preinstall now installs/upgrades to Apache 2.4.41 and PHP 7.2.28
- Improved: Service entries are removed when organisations are deleted in multi-tenant mode
- Fixed: Cannot open workstation card as helpdesk user
- Fixed: Service crash when processing invalid workstation JSON
- Fixed: Network workstation panel empty text appears in incorrect panels
- Fixed: User card info panel "licence name" hyperlink could not be used on some browsers
Version 3.1.0.X
- Added: Ability to disable pre-boot login
- Added: If using the preinstall, Apache is upgraded with OpenSSL from EEES folder which enables TLS 1.2
- Added: TPM report
- Added: Support to manually force server to run in legacy mode
- Added: Ability to download recovery dat file directly
- Improved: Reporting of Windows 10 versions on workstation panel
- Improved: Better logging when performing SSPI enrolment
- Improved: Better logging when performing AD synchronisation
- Improved: Child console and deployment services now run as services again
- Fixed: Setup wizard sometimes erroneously relaunched following a restore
- Fixed: Rendering issue with certain characters in PDF reports
- Fixed: Login delay caused by syncing to very large AD
- Fixed: Clear download pending flag on orphaned licences, allowing them to be deleted
- Fixed: Service crash when processing records from very old client versions
- Fixed: Email addresses are quoted to allow for display names containing commas
- Added: Support for ESET Endpoint Encryption installs
- Added: Support to auto re-initialise database resource if in maintenance mode
- Added: Padding to tables in group policy display for readability
- Changed: Rebranded software to ESET Endpoint Encryption Server
- Changed: When in maintenance mode, if SQL configuration exists an attempt will be made to re-initialise the connection
- Fixed: Problem clearing licence flags during re-sync
- Fixed: Problem using self-enrolment with auto encryption together
- Fixed: Problem with starting service a second time on some processor types
- Fixed: Issue with password validation failure when performing some commands
- Fixed: Issue when generating activation codes in a list with only a single user
- Added: Implemented the auto update checks for multi-tenant server installations
- Added: Software feature flag to hide OU filter in AD settings by default
- Added: Allowed TPM pin to be available to read before workstation confirms encryption has started
- Changed: AD test function honors OU filter selection
- Changed: AD test function no longer saves OU filter selection
- Changed: Converted the workstation log to HTML 4.01 Strict format
- Changed: Delete button is disabled for current active instance in control panel when in multi-tenant mode
- Changed: Removed count of activated users from organisation report
- Changed: dlpes logger to use a rotation file by default rather than one single giant file
- Changed: Removed spaces from commonName when used as the email prefix field in AD sync
- Fixed: Problem with extra CRLF pair in output from server which could corrupt some downloaded files
- Fixed: Crash when opening AD setting caused by more than 500 OUs in domain
- Fixed: Crash that could sometimes occur when parsing OU results
- Fixed: Activating an already encrypted workstation via auto enrollment
- Fixed: Problem downloading workstation log when organisation name contained an ampersand
- Fixed: Workstation appearing unmanaged if being adopted with no user logins
- Fixed: Problem with some missing translations
- Fixed: Problem with full backup file not being overwritten and backup left in working folder
- Added: Apache SSL certificates to Enterprise Server backup file
- Added: Recreated new SSL certificate files on startup if they are found to be missing
- Changed: TPM version messages to 4.9.0
- Changed: Network rescan now returns an error transcript again
- Changed: Updated libCurl to 7.56.1
- Changed: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2m
- Changed: Detects broken connection to domain server during AD Sync
- Improved: Active Directory group filter now supports primaryGroupID not just memberOf
- Improved: Some performance improvements to AD Sync speed
- Fixed: Ability to generate recovery ISO for TPM FDE with no authentication
- Fixed: Check for updates when made in control panel
- Fixed: Check for updates enabled by default in UI
- Fixed: Crash in password reset tool if password age policy was enforced
- Fixed: JavaScript error if force password change was declined at login
- Added: Ability to rename console login from control panel
- Added: Custom graphical bootloader custom image to install package
- Changed: Updated version of libCurl to 7.55.1
- Changed: Admin password reset tool can now unlock any System Admin account
- Changed: Enterprise Server now stores a transaction log of FDE recovery data
- Changed: Added new workstation policy for caching the FDE login username at pre-boot
- Changed: Auto encrypt policies are enabled by default and do not require manual configuration changes
- Changed: Allowed more time for database restore operations (now defaults to 10 minute wait)
- Changed: Database restore wait time is configurable to increase it beyond 10 minutes
- Improved: Reporting of errors from internet communications
- Improved: Remote install functions for better error reporting
- Improved: Translations and fitment of some UI
- Improved: Reporting of error from push installs
- Improved: Error message for client too old for TPM support
- Improved: Error message for failed remote uninstall
- Fixed: Reporting of workstation delete event
- Fixed: Problem with AD sync errors caused by earlier failed database upgrade
- Fixed: Problem performing license operations with emails that needed encoding
- Fixed: Ability to clear string type DESlock+ policy elements i.e. set an empty string
- Fixed: Some license resync problems
- Fixed: Error reporting problem when attempting to add a license that already existed
- Fixed: JavaScript error when no users were found in an LDAP search
- Fixed: Workstation log which didn't correctly report event text
- Fixed: Implemented some missing translation strings for previous updates
- Fixed: Allowed "DESlock+ not installed" error to be reported correctly on remote uninstall
- Fixed: Problem in Active Directory sync that could occur if you upgraded from 2.7.2.
- Fixed: JavaScript error in control panel if you have no permissions to view logins
- Added: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) support (https://support.deslock.com/kb430)
- Added: During the setup phase, the Enterprise Server will automatically attempt to enable HTTPS support
- Added: Logging support to dlprimsrv for remote install operations
- Added: Logging support to admin password reset tool
- Added: Support for monthly licensing
- Added: Filter for workstations in "alert" state
- Added: Team selection to some reports
- Improved: Reporting of errors when generating ES Backup file
- Improved: Support for PHP 7.1
- Improved: Managed remote install with improved reporting of MSI Exec failures
- Improved: Managed remote uninstall with improved status reporting
- Improved: Activate Directory sync can now update the distinguishedName of an object it has already cached
- Improved: Extended ES direct to support auto encryption functionality
- Fixed: Problems uploading user SSL certificates into the Enterprise Server
- Fixed: Error message display from a failed admin password reset attempt
- Fixed: Events that reported "null" for some event parameters
- Fixed: Formatting of plural forms in some event messages
- Fixed: Some issues with the Active Directory test feature where it could ignore user settings
- Fixed: Issues creating organizations in the setup wizard which could fail silently
- Fixed: Download of reports containing UTF-8 characters in the filename
- Fixed: Handling of special FDE login types on when using foreign languages
- Added: Security group filter to Active Directory Import.
- Added: ES Direct support. (see https://support.deslock.com/KB417)
- Improved: Modified Active Directory import to support very long Distinguished Name attributes.
- Added: Timeout to SQL restore process because on some systems it could become stuck restoring.
- Fixed: Prevented error performing FDE operations on users after an upgrade.
- Fixed: Discarded workstation recovery information if the information is too small to be valid.
- Potential service crash that could occur processing malformed client status.
- Fixed: Potential problem managing licenses after upgrading from 2.5.5 or earlier.
- Added: Korean translations.
Ciclul de viață al produsului, actualizări, integrări și informații juridice
- Sfârșitul perioadei de viață
- Cele mai recente versiuni
- Jurnale de schimbări
- API-uri și integrări
- Actualizări pentru motorul de detecție
- Documente juridice